First build WIP - Halo 4 Recon Helmet / Halo 4 Mark VI Armor

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Thanks everyone! I'll be sure to keep you all posted as the paint progresses this week. I definitely need to slow it down for the paint and treat it as a marathon. The base coat of black could have come out much better I think but lesson learned - don't paint at midnight and rush it. So like I said, from here I'm going to do my best to clean up this base coat with sanding before moving forward.
Now are you using the whole MVI armor or just the chest and then kinda mix'n'match the other pieces. Like different forearms, legs, feet, etc; or just the recon and the MVI as a whole?
Your work is impressive!!!! i dont think it's your first build though XDDD anyway i really love how your H4 recon turned out.... im gonna sub and keep track of your build ;)
Now are you using the whole MVI armor or just the chest and then kinda mix'n'match the other pieces. Like different forearms, legs, feet, etc; or just the recon and the MVI as a whole?

My plan is to use the mkVI armor with the recon helm, I want to be a spartan II like master chief but without looking exactly like him. So kind of like a spartan II who has received a helmet upgrade or something. The plan is always open to change depending on how I like the look of the parts when I start building them.

Edit: after watching forward unto dawn a few times I noticed that both Kelly and Fred wear different mjolnir armor and they are still spartan IIs, so I suppose each has their own customizations to an extent.

Your work is impressive!!!! i dont think it's your first build though XDDD anyway i really love how your H4 recon turned out.... im gonna sub and keep track of your build ;)

Hey thanks, and yes I swear this is my first build haha. Also the first time in my life I've used fiberglass and bondo. The purchase of a dremel when I started this project was also a huge help.
Sometimes you have to go back to go forward:


I decided as much as I didn't want to that it was nessessary to totally smooth out the helmet after how I felt about the coat of black that I rushed into midnight Saturday night. Here it is about 50% through my wet sand, I think the next coat of paint I put on will look much better.


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I'm new here as of today. But started my armor last week. Deciding to build the Mark 6 Halo Armor. This should be fun. Have already a few pieces paper wise done. I resin'd 2 pieces last week; the helmet and the right shin. I'll be fun to be a part of this community. I've been a film director for over 14 years and finally learning how to build armor so this is an awesome experience.
Looking great, I'm on my first build too and I'm just hoping I don't screw ,up , but anyways some of the places you sanded look like cool wear and tear spots, try and keep a few , unless your going for a prestine helm
Hey guys! So the entire helmet has now been sanded to 600 grit and I'm ready to start painting again.

Edit: removed my question regarding painting and im no longer at work ;). update coming tonight!!!
Just arrived from the Imbrium Machine Complex's test site on Luna, in all its unpainted bare-metal glory:







Back to reality, tonight I put on my bare metal look. You can see in the first pic that I alternated between lighter and darker paints to give it some added effect when I finally scuff and scratch it through the finish layer of paint. I'm quite happy with how smooth it is after the 600 grit wet-sand.

Now back to work on the chest while the helm dries!


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for a first build thats friggin awesome

Although I cant agree with you with the master chief/infinity pairing the level of quality makes up for all my gripes.

Thanks guys, painting continues tonight after work. The torso piece is 85% peped and resining that will begin very soon.

I'm hoping that my mjolnir mkVI body and the mjolnir mkVI [Gen 2] helm pairing works out. Like I said, almost everyone seems to be doing master chief so the decision to do the pairing was to do something slightly different to build my own spartan story. For now the story is that my spartan is a spartan II, his standard issue mkVI helm was damaged in combat and as a replacement he was able to choose from the gen 2 lineup of helms now that they are available 'after the war'.

If it doesn't work out, I suppose I'll have to build a master chief helm lol.
Another update coming off a very productive weekend despite having to work on Saturday. I don't have have any pictures of the torso armor right now but as of right now the pep work is complete as well as the resin phase. The torso armor is currently well into the 'filling with liquified body filler' phase.

And now on to the eye candy, paint is coming along very well on the helmet:

..///Begin Classified Transmission - Eyes Only///..


..///End Transmission///..

More coming this week!


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Thanks again everyone. That is blue, I was at the hobby store yesterday for some detail paint and ended up walking out with a can of 'arctic blue metallic', I couldn't pass it up especially since the metallic flake in it gives it a whole new dimension that the 'deep blue' gloss I was going to use before didn't have.

At this point I'm debating wether to actually scuff the helmet in the places I want to show down to my 'bare metal' paint, or detail paint on the scuffs over the blue and white. It's just that the blue turned out so perfectly I don't want to destroy it if I mess up.
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