First {Halo} build - Spartan (TV series)

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Forearm has the black. Yeah, I'm digging it.
Obviously there's still details and distressing to go, but for the base color scheme I'm going with it.

Next... The thighs. I have short legs with thick thighs. First thigh came off the printer.

At my regular 88% and measured against my virtual avatar it seemed good. Well... the avatar has more normalish legs.

I can get the thigh over my knee, but not near high enough to wear. At one point I managed to get it and the calf on, but they were locked together and it was like walking with a cast from ankle to hip. Hahahaha

So... For the other thigh increased the diameter (XY) by 5% and decreased the length (Z) by 5%. Make it a little shorter and a bit thicker. Will see how that fits.

In the mean time, I don't want to throw away 70hrs and 2.5 spools so cutting the interior area of the thigh from the main body. Will clean up and edge it and attach with elastic. That's the plan anyway. And we all know a good plan only lasts until contact with the enemy. Worst case if it doesn't fit any better, it won't be any worse and I'll do the same modification.


Got some PM's asking 'How did you cut it?"
A: Dremel tool with a spiral saw bit. They look a lot like a drill bit, but cut sideways. With a part like this were there is lots of penetration depth its a lot better than a cutting disk.
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1. LOVE the color scheme, this is looking incredible!

2. I'm so jealous that you're able to print large pieces like the thigh in one go. Can't imagine how long it would take, though lol
I am DEFINITELY digging that copper, having that really pop out compared to the other muted tones really adds a lot of character to the build.
Can't imagine how long it would take, though lol
64hrs per thigh - At 1.2mm walls, 15% infil, .2 layer

really adds a lot of character to the build.
Well... I've been told... "You're a character, alright"... So I guess it's a good choice. Hahaa.. Serious, thanks for that. I'm glad people are liking it.
Just have to keep the machine cranking and not idle. Learned from my freight forwarder that my freight with additional machines will be 3 weeks later than planned. Meaning I will not have an army of reinforcement robots at the back end of this build, in time for the convention. So its all up to one FDM machine and one resin machine. Gonna be very very tight.
Good lord those prints are so clean!
Yeah... Resin printer. First time doing armor bits in resin. But just learned my freighted cargo with other 10 FDM machines won't be arriving until end of month. That means they don't help me for Brisnova at all. So instead of a dozen FDM machines for this build, I have 1. And one resin printer.

Resin is generally 5x heavier than PETG. But... Doing them hollow with 2.5mm walls. Seem pretty sturdy and not really so much heavier than an FDM print with 15% infil.
Once the convention is over I'll be able to turn on print services for my store again. And the new MASSIVE resin printer ships today so that's going to be amazing!
Yeah... Resin printer. First time doing armor bits in resin. But just learned my freighted cargo with other 10 FDM machines won't be arriving until end of month. That means they don't help me for Brisnova at all. So instead of a dozen FDM machines for this build, I have 1. And one resin printer.

Resin is generally 5x heavier than PETG. But... Doing them hollow with 2.5mm walls. Seem pretty sturdy and not really so much heavier than an FDM print with 15% infil.
Once the convention is over I'll be able to turn on print services for my store again. And the new MASSIVE resin printer ships today so that's going to be amazing!
Dang, 10 more machines?? I wish I had that many! You'll be able to make it through with just one though! Sure it was painfully slow, but I managed to print everything for my build on an Ender 3 Pro haha
You'll be able to make it through with just one though! Sure it was painfully slow, but I managed to print everything for my build on an Ender 3 Pro haha
Oh yeah, I'll get it done. But the trick is getting it done by deadline of 04nov in time for the convention.

It doesn't take much math skills to see 800 hours remaining until the convention, and see that big parts are 100 hours each. So... That means 8 more parts can be made before the convention.
  1. Chest left
  2. Chest right
  3. Back left
  4. Back right
  5. Shoulders
  6. Reprint helmet
  7. Reprint helmet (its 200 hours)
  8. Reprint left forearm
And... at that point I'm probably out of printer hours. Some parts fit in the space of my resin printer; like the biceps. So that gives me a few extra machine-hours. And when the big machine arrives I will be able to resin print things like an entire forearm in one part. Maybe a helmet in two. That that will help with more parallel processing.
A few days into the multi-day print...
The print is starting to look recognizable.

There was a layer shift at about 2days. With a looming deadline I have to let it go and will ease it in between sanding and putty. Then reprint some time in the future.
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