First ODST Build


New Member
This is my first odst build, I did a silver timeline chief before this but decided to sell it :), so now I’ve started an odst, foam based due to 3d printing being too much weight and clanking. The helmet is pre bought on Amazon, all I did was repaint and chrome the visor.


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Looking good!
I didn't realize you could get helmets like this in Amazon! Holy cow! I think you've done a great job matching coloring and look with the parts you made and the helmet you bought.
I didn't realize you could get helmets like this in Amazon! Holy cow! I think you've done a great job matching coloring and look with the parts you made and the helmet you bought.
The ODST helmet available on Amazon is the Xcoser Cosplay Company version of the helmet, although the name of the drop ship seller changes relatively often, the base helmet will be the same. You can find some reviews of it Here. But, it tends to be described as a little under size, slightly out of proportion, with slightly soft details, but is a good starter helmet and takes paint for customization well.
Why did I buy a printer if you can just buy helmets off of amazon. Man.

Jokes aside this is looking great so far. Solid work color matching, good luck on the rest of the suit!

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