Foam First ODST Foam Build!

Onyx Props

Active Member
Hey guys! I haven't posted on here in a while. I'm currently working on my first ODST build using HD Foam by SKS Props.

Built using the foam templates from the 405th!!

This is a project I've been wanting to tackle for a long time, and I finally have the motivation and skills to do it.

odst chest wip 1.jpgodst chest wip 2.jpgodst chest wip 3.jpgodst chest wip 4.jpgODST belt wip.jpg
This is so good. Your doing way better then I did for my first odst armor. I can't wait to see your finish product
Looking good, can't wait to see it when it's finished.
Thank you! I'm excited to finally be an actual 'member' soon!
This is so good. Your doing way better then I did for my first odst armor. I can't wait to see your finish product
Thanks a ton! I have been making props and cosplay on and off for 10 years, so it's definitely not my first rodeo, just my first ODST lol
Hey guys! I haven't posted on here in a while. I'm currently working on my first ODST build using HD Foam by SKS Props.

Built using the foam templates from the 405th!!

This is a project I've been wanting to tackle for a long time, and I finally have the motivation and skills to do it.

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Looks amazing so far! I'm here to start doing the same thing. Always wanted to do ann armor build.
Looks amazing so far! I'm here to start doing the same thing. Always wanted to do ann armor build.
Thank you! It definitely helps to have some good references too. I usually have the Pepakura/Foam File up on my monitor while I'm building to make sure I'm making the piece right. Some of these pieces look too similar to each other.
Sorry for the necro-post, but I basically have the suit done!

Magnum is a place holder, I'll be making a new one. I'm also working on the backpack.

I am also getting new boots that are quite a bit thinner. The calf pieces are not closing properly because the boots I have currently are too bulky. They close fine without the boots.
ODST test fit full.jpg ODST test fit pose.jpg ODST test fit back.jpg ODST test fit back full.jpg ODST test fit crouch.jpg ODST test fit side 2.jpg ODST test fit side.jpg
Have another update for you guys!

I go the rucksack/backpack mostly done. Just needs a few finishing touches, and to attach some hinges and velcro to get the compartments to close.

odst rucksack wip 1.jpg odst rucksack wip 3.jpg odst rucksack wip 2.jpg

I was also thinking of some small ways to make this kit mine.

I really like the grounded, and human feel to the ODSTs and how they are always prepared for when things go south. I'd like to expand on that and add some realism and military elements to this cosplay.

I'd like to put a name on the top of the breast plate like Dutch etc have, but I'd also like to add these identification lights. In-game they have the VISR to identify squad mates. In modern military these light markers are for something similar. I'd like to think they'd have something like this in case their HUD didn't work

light marker.jpg

I was thinking of these glow sticks also to just have hanging off the rucksack or on the ab section of the armor. Another piece of equipment used by modern military for marking searched areas, and provided low levels of light when power is not available.

The glow sticks and the team markers would be very minimal. Maybe one or two of the lights, and two or three of the glow sticks.
glow stick.jpg

And finally, I'd like to wrap a bandolier like this around one of the shin guards to add some character to the armor.

bullet belt.jpg
Update! I got all the armor painted and weathered! The calf/shin armor doesn't close on the legs because the boots I have are too bulky, they fit on fine without the boots. I have new boots coming tomorrow that should fix this issue. I also need to go and add the small decals and such. The helmet should be here soon also.

EDIT: All 3 compartments of the rucksack also open!
ODST paint 1.jpg ODST paint full.jpg ODST paint back full.jpg ODST paint pose.jpg ODST close up.jpg
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