1st Build First Rakshasa Build


New Member

I'm fairly new to the armor printing scene but I figured my first would be some kind of rakshasa--not a lot of armor to it, seems pretty straightforward.

I'm looking for feedback regarding the chest armor, which I've scaled down to 85% to appropriately fit me (I'm a bit of a skinny minny). While in pictures it looks like the armor barely reaches across the chest, I'm wondering if I shouldn't scale it up just a but more to look larger.


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The biceps look like they're proper side but yes the chest plate does seem rather small.
To me it looked like in game it covered most of the chest/ribcage area. So I went from center collar bones to bottom on my ribs and about 90% side to side to allow natural arm movements across the chest

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It's been a minute since my last update, but here's what I've gotten done in the meantime. The thighs and calves are a big on the bigger side (naturally, cuz I can't scale to save my life), but some EVA foam inserts make them fit fine. Only thing now is to figure out the buckles and straps.


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Using Titlewave's Trapdoor for the suit. I think i might have to make the base chest bigger to make the proportions right, but I'm going to wait until I have a vest made up so I can see how it all looks together.


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Very miscellaneous photo dump. I've gotten most of everything spray painted and weathered. I've gone with a sponge camo tan look. I got some straps and shoulder pads off Amazon that ended up working a lot better than I expected. Last is getting all the strapping and elastic business sorted out.


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Ooof! looks like someone stepped in a little more than oil! Honestly love the weathering on this one I will just say this though I think on some of the flat surfaces its a bit much but over all I'm loving it! Honestly excited to see what you build next! also What exactly are you planning to build? I know its rakshasa but like I would like to see a concept!
The idea was to have a splotchy tan with the dark grey under but I'll probably have to hit it more with tan. I've been thinking about maybe throwing a poncho on or something similar (I love that look on armor), maybe some kind of recon-esque rakshasa. I know I at least wanna do a sniper/ghillie marine in the future.
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