1st Build First time making a helmet (Legacy MK V from galactic armory)


New Member
Hey all! I’ve been working on this since I got my A1 mini somewhat recently. Although it’s a little small, I managed to make it work. One thing I am not sure on what to do next is I’m debating on what to do with the back piece of the helmet. I had originally planned to secure it using elastics and maybe magnets, but it just kinda snaps into place and there’s too much friction for it to sort of hinge freely. My head still fits decently well, and it still needs lots of padding to secure it to my head. I was wondering what the best approach would be with this situation. A movable back piece is probably not going to be necessary, but it seems like it would be good to have.

Here’s a short video basically showing what I have to deal with right now:


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I saw someone basically reconstruct the inside of a hard hat using foam pieces. So it criss crosses over the top of the head and is joined by a band around the circumference of the head. Comfy and secure. Not sure if that’s what you’re asking. I would just glue that puppy in there, reinforce, and stick it on!
I saw someone basically reconstruct the inside of a hard hat using foam pieces. So it criss crosses over the top of the head and is joined by a band around the circumference of the head. Comfy and secure. Not sure if that’s what you’re asking. I would just glue that puppy in there, reinforce, and stick it on!
That sounds like a great idea for securing it. Though, what I was mainly talking about the back panel of the helmet and ways that I could probably make it more movable. Kinda like in this video:

Currently the back actually slots in and becomes immovable and doesn’t have the same type of movement that I’m looking for like in that YouTube video. I kinda want it to hinge open with an elastic, but it seems like it’s not really possible with this model.
That sounds like a great idea for securing it. Though, what I was mainly talking about the back panel of the helmet and ways that I could probably make it more movable. Kinda like in this video:

Currently the back actually slots in and becomes immovable and doesn’t have the same type of movement that I’m looking for like in that YouTube video. I kinda want it to hinge open with an elastic, but it seems like it’s not really possible with this model.
Oh I see! What if you attached the top part of the plate to the helmet with a flexible mesh and then used elastic bands on the sides so that it gets pulled right into place against its slots, but you can still flex it out of the way and it will hinge with the mesh? You could probably keep the tension in the bands light enough to ease the pressure but strong enough that the plate won’t wobble around. Or combine the elastic bands with magnets for secure when closed, but easily flexible to open.
Oh I see! What if you attached the top part of the plate to the helmet with a flexible mesh and then used elastic bands on the sides so that it gets pulled right into place against its slots, but you can still flex it out of the way and it will hinge with the mesh? You could probably keep the tension in the bands light enough to ease the pressure but strong enough that the plate won’t wobble around. Or combine the elastic bands with magnets for secure when closed, but easily flexible to open.

I actually kinda like this solution, I can still flex it out but it won’t fall apart. I might sand it down a little bit because it’s kinda scary flexing that piece like that . Though it’s probably nothing to worry about too much because the force is parallel to the layer lines so the risk of splitting should be minimal.
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