Foam Foam Infinite Stanchy


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Member DIN
I've wanted to make a sniper or buy a printed sniper for awhile now and after making a foam ma40 I got the confidence to make it outta foam. Not only the S7 but the stanchion model from infinite. My goal is to have it done and painted for TORG in the beginning of Nov, like my ar thread i made I'll post updates in some detail but the with the paintjob it'll be a secret until TORG hopefully it'll be done by then. I got a month so wish me luck. So far I made a template at about 80% scale and got the main body cut out and glued with another ¾" wooden dowle for the barrel and to give it rigidity.


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The main body was 3x 10mm and added 10 on either side for the barrel and got some of the detail on it and the mid barrel and bipod area. I know how I want to do the bipolar but I don't know how to do it and the scope might give me some trouble but I'll cross that bridge when I get there


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Kind of a update, I've been slowly working on it over the past few days. Got the hand guard and bipod section done and rounded but yet to make the bipod and scope.

Upper receiver, magazine, side rails and ejection port were kind of a pain. To do in order to get everything lined up just right but it's foam so it won't be perfect. Tho I still need to add the detail on the rails but I need to figure out good spacing.

Stock and trigger area was the easiest thing to line up because it was super simple and got everything sanded down to feel nice in the hand. For the most part besides some minor detail the main body is finished, bipod and scope are what's left. It should be done next week and painting the following week everything is on track to be done for TORG and can't wait to reveal the paint job for it
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Realized I never posted "how" I made the template. I took a screenshot in blender and edited it in MS paint, I cropped it down as much as I could so it would fit on a 60x24 roll of foam. It ended up being about 55.5in long not quite scale to the Infinite S7 but close enough to fit. I broke it up into 3 different sections, main body, scope and bipod. The main body is 3 layers of 10mm with varies thicknesses of 2,3 and 5mm and layered combos of each. The scope is from the top down of 4 layers of 10mm and 1 5mm sandwiched between 2 10s to give about the right height and the round portion is a tube wrapped half in 10mm and 5mm to give it the sliming look. And the bipod is 2mm pvc board in-between a layer of 2mm foam on either side with 3mm for detailing.

It was all edited and printed in MS paint. To get it to the desired length you can change the unit of length to inches and just play with in the resize tab to get it about right for you. With printing took me a second to figure out you have to go to File > Print > Page setup > Adjust. Then cut everything out and tape it together. ( As seen in the first picture on the thread)


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Without spoiling what my stanchion will look like just wanted to give a update I kinda forgot about. I made a sort of functioning bipod, I bored out a ½" hole and used the same diameter wooden dowle to act as a pivot point. It's has magnets in it to sort of hold it in place when not in use.


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