infinite mkv foam build


New Member
so I've already built a classic CE mkv suit, but I've had my eye on the halo infinite adaptation of the suit. it's probably my favorite interpretation of the suit. I recently found a pepakura unfold of the suit by ElJeiloAmarillo that I'm going to use to make the suit out of foam! I already have some .obj files I bought from Titlewave on Etsy that I'll be using as a reference. I could 3d print the suit, but I prefer working with foam, and I prefer the flexibility of the medium. I have, however already 3d printed the helmet for the suit, which I'm using on my old suit.

hoping to have this done by July for the Denver FanX and Casper Comic-Con, but if I don't then the suit I already have works fine. I'll try my best to keep this thread updated as I make progress (I'm not good at documentation lol)

I started on something small as I'm a little short on time cuz I have to sleep for work, so I made the hand plates! I layered them and used hot glue smoothed over the edges to hide the layers. I'll also include a few pictures of the helmet I have, as well as a forearm I 3d printed.


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5 months is not a whole lot of time to finish a whole suit, but it is still certainly very possible! Best of luck completing your suit before those cons! Congrats on starting a new build
5 months is not a whole lot of time to finish a whole suit, but it is still certainly very possible! Best of luck completing your suit before those cons! Congrats on starting a new build
there's a lot of work i won't have to do cuz i already figured it out on the first suit, things like the strapping and padding, so my fingers are crossed.
so i haven't made much progress on this suit, ive been instead focusing more on upgrades to my classic mk v. but zealotops recently finished their unfold of the infinite mk v suit and i am in love with these files!! definitely going to be using these, they seem more optimized for foam than the other files i was using. gonna try to put together the ab plate tonight after work, wish me luck!!
so it's been a couple days. i was pretty far on the chest plate before realizing that it was too small. huge bummer, but it's fine.

i got the ab plate finished tonight, which is some good progress for the time i had available.

i got some pictures during the process. im trying out a pattern tracing method i saw evil ted do a few years ago, using sewing pins to pin the pattern to the back of the foam.

seemed to work pretty well, but i can see the limitations. i'll just use tape if i have to trace on the good side of the foam to avoid the pin holes expanding during heat forming.

speaking of heat forming, that's what i did next! after i cut out all the pieces with the right bevels i gave the piece a curve with the heat gun.

i had some lines traced where the outside details would go.

there was also a piece i had to cut thinner in order to fit it in right.

i wish i got more pictures, i suck at documenting my builds :(

but it looked like this after i glued it together. it's a little wonky but i think it's fine, it'll look good in pictures.

here it is next to my old one

i fear that it's still not scaled right, but i know the proportions are different on this suit so ive got my fingers crossed.

more to come, stay tuned!!


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i've gotten pretty far on the backpack piece. still skeptical if it's gonna big enough or not. i'll get some better pictures when i get home tonight, i know these ones aren't great :,)







i managed to get a good bit of detail in. i think i can improve on the etching lines, but im pretty happy with it so far. gonna work on it more tonight
Thats some good looking foam work and pretty decent seams and the pin idea is genius, I never thought of that and something I'm gonna start doing from now on
Thats some good looking foam work and pretty decent seams and the pin idea is genius, I never thought of that and something I'm gonna start doing from now on
i would only justify the pins if you can trace onto the backside of the foam, or if you want to fill in a ton of holes in your piece. if you find a cleaner way of using them i'd love to hear!! it would help a lot with tracing onto the rolls of foam
tiny update pic i took before work today, i just need to make the collar piece and i can move on to the front of the chest.

the collar will be the way i determine whether it will be big enough. in retrospect i could have built it first and found out that way, but i never think that far ahead so :,)
chest is finished!! i barely remembered to update this thread with the pictures before i started on the next piece.

ive done a lot of etching on it where i saw details in the pepskura files. zealot was awesome enough to add textures to the model, so i found a lot of small panel lines to add.



i would've completely missed some of these details if i didn't have access to the textures, so i'm happy.


also have a lot of foam built details, which were super fun to make. i've had an amazing time with these files!

will update soon with the forearms
it's been a while, i've been working on and off on the shoulders, and they're finally finished! i've got pictures of that and more updates.

i didn't get any photos of the biceps, i was way too hyper focused

i got a lot more pictures of the shoulder pads than i did the biceps.

i'm not very proud of how they came out, and there's a lot i would do differently if i ever did them again :/


i might end up having to do them again cuz they look too small. i'm gonna try to make it work before i commit though.

i was testing some paint effects on a spare print, things like filing and using painters tape to make highlights.

it came out pretty meh, i like the filed edges though.

gonna try to have the codpiece done within the next couple of weeks so i can start on the legs

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