Forearm Problem

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Jr Member
hey guys i need some help form you i have the back of the forearm done but, the area where the very high def parts are the pieces/tabs overlap. and when i unfolded it more some of the tabs are so small the i cant bend them. there the size of the sing im about to type


or even smaller im 66.5 inches small.

the file was made by nugget.

maby there is another file that is hd and is better unfolded or maby im doing this wrong pleas help.

Yeah that happens with a lot of the HD models. I just print them out with and without the edge ID, folding the pieces without the ID and using the ones with ID as reference.
Under "configuation" at the top click "flap configuration" and change the flap width to a larger number.

If you don't want to re print them try to fold the small flaps with a toothpick or your fingernail (without scoring the fold line). That's what I've done and it's worked so far.
Do you mean like this?


Or there just isn't enough tab material protruding from the piece to score/fold?
You're going to run into that with some of the pieces no matter how you unfold them, and while that piece from FS's HD torso is probably the worst I encountered pepping my Mark 6, taking your time scoring and using krazy glue help a lot, for me at least.
On some of the parts that are so infintisimaly small like those, I find it better to scratch build them seperate and add them on later. I like to use sheet styrene or even sculpt them in epoxy putty depending on the size and shape needing to be achieved. It helps save me the frustration of the tiny folds and makes for a cleaner more precise detail add on.
I run into the same problem with pepakura weapons... I haven't done much High def armor pieces, but this is a good warning, so, there is no way to re-size the font? I understand that some of these pieces are incredibly small like the size of this "O", but it seems easier to scratch sculpt them rather than deal with the confusion and frustration that goes along with it.
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