Fred 104 build

such clean foamwork with the hexagons! It's looking awesome can't wait to see more!
Man C2 really snuck up! Im so excited to see you again but this time with you new suit! Paint looks great!
That paint is cleeaannn, love that shade of blue and all the metallic detailing.
For a second I thought some of the pieces were on a grill and I was like "man's really cooking up some armor here!"
Almost forgot the hands…I’ll make the finger tips eventually. Maybe…
Really appreciate all the love
Loving your work mate! This is one killer build so far, I think your second visor looks better as its got an orangy-er tint. I know you said it's different to Chief's but I think it looks better than the yellow-y gold one.
Loving your work mate! This is one killer build so far, I think your second visor looks better as its got an orangy-er tint. I know you said it's different to Chief's but I think it looks better than the yellow-y gold one.
I agree. I think the top one is too yellow.
Fantastic work on this! The paint colors came out amazing.

What kind of paint did you use on the foam?
Well, due to a freak reaction while I was trying to clean the ab plate, some paint on it got messed up. So to fix it, I did some black washing on it. I was not planning on weathering the armor before C2 E2 due to time stains, but there was no other option. I couldn’t have just the AB plate with the wash. So, I ended up doing a dark wash over the entire suit. I was up until 2 AM trying to get this done, then had to pack it. I also had to pack the rest of my stuff for the trip. Checking luggage on my flight is extremely expensive, but luckily I get incredible shipping prices so I have everything packed up and ready to go out today to meet me in Chicago tomorrow. Downside to this, is that I did not have time to take pictures of everything before it was packed. So those will come when I unpack tomorrow and make sure everything is OK. I still have things to do with the helmet, but that will be coming on the plane with me, and I will keep you posted with that. Otherwise, enjoy my luggage lol

Oh, and JTF4 basecoat we did with Automotive paint at my friends body shop. All other colors were different acrylic paints I had run through my airbrush. Some were actual airbrush paints, most were just craft paint from the hobby store, thinned and run through a paint strainer. The strainer was something that I did not figure out until the end, and oh man, what a difference.
The crunch continues. While the main part of the suit got shipped out today, I still have the helmet and hands to finish. I bought some gloves, not 100% on them. So I might try to find some tomorrow/today before my flight. Hearing and wireless mic have been wired up to run off a usb pack. I used a voltage regulator to lower the output to 3.5v for the hearing, and split before the regulator to keep the full 5v for the microphone. I’m going to scab fans from my MKVI helmet that I am retiring. They are already wired, so I will run them on a separate battery pack. This way if one dies, I don’t lose everything.
As some of you saw, I got the suit done in time for C2E2! Worked on the helmet thursday, all the way until I ran out the door to get to the airport. Then worked some more in the basement until 2am. Other than issues with the boots coming loose and with the headset functions, the suit did great. I have a few things that I want to adjust or change, and I will keep you posted.
Dude, your armor turned out so well. I'm happy I got to see it in person and I can't wait to see some more content come out from it.
I saw this build in person and MAN, it is stunning. You did such a wonderful job. You pull off Fred so well, cheers.
I was literally in the basement with you and didn't realize how much you were finishing on it. I thought it was done and you were just doing some touch ups/repairs lol. This build looked so amazing in person!
Thanks everyone, it means a lot. Especially seeing all your suits, you all do such great work. And, you never know pinoyfiasco I just met members from all over the world at C2E2. Fred still has a lot of miles left in him
Yes your suit looks absolutely PHENOMINAL! Everything from the tech suit that is notoriously so difficult for halo 4/5 builds (you NAILED it!) to the details on the helmet which look so crisp, and even the paint colour is spot on! You should be very proud of your suit my friend! It was so much fun seeing you again!
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