Free 3D Model Index

Updating for Achilles Helmet from Halo 5.


Adding Dead Space Security Suit. Medium Definition.

If we'd like to get started printing some of these files, how do you recommend we slice them up for a printer bed (i.e. particular programs/techniques you have in mind)? Is there already sufficient wall thickness, and could we potentially go thinner for some more cost savings?
If we'd like to get started printing some of these files, how do you recommend we slice them up for a printer bed (i.e. particular programs/techniques you have in mind)? Is there already sufficient wall thickness, and could we potentially go thinner for some more cost savings?

I can speak for my models, the wall thickness should be more than sufficient. As far as slicing, I use this method:

If this program doesn't seem like your cup of tea, there are other programs out there (fusion 360, meshmixer, etc.) that can do it too.

If you are really stuck on it, just tell me the scale you have it, print bed sizes, and I will slice it up for you when I get a chance.
Updating for Halo 5 - Locke (Hunter Class) Armor Set



I believe some of these links are dead, unless I'm doing something wrong...?

Seems to be the CPO Mendez links.


  • DeadLink.PNG
    253.4 KB · Views: 416
I believe some of these links are dead, unless I'm doing something wrong...?

Seems to be the CPO Mendez links.

Seems this way... he`s got a thingiverse account though, i believe...
I got some files from older threads, but also lost some of my own models as well...stuff like that just happens.
Just tell us what you need, some kind folks around here might help you out.
Seems this way... he`s got a thingiverse account though, i believe...
I got some files from older threads, but also lost some of my own models as well...stuff like that just happens.
Just tell us what you need, some kind folks around here might help you out.

I've got more than enough for now but I appreciate the help!

What's his thingiverse account?
Seems this way... he`s got a thingiverse account though, i believe...
I got some files from older threads, but also lost some of my own models as well...stuff like that just happens.
Just tell us what you need, some kind folks around here might help you out.
If you find any of the files that have been killed by link decay, let me know so I can update them.
Hey TurboCharizard, I know it's been a minute since you posted this index, but this list is getting rather long lol.
Do you know who we could talk to about maybe having a section of the armory database on the forms specifically for 3D prints?
Hey TurboCharizard, I know it's been a minute since you posted this index, but this list is getting rather long lol.
Do you know who we could talk to about maybe having a section of the armory database on the forms specifically for 3D prints?

There's been a discussion about this already, actually. Art has spoken, and he's said if someone wants to collect all the 3D files, find the name of the original modeler, and make sure all the credits are given where due, and he can help facilitate them going into the armory in a new, 3D printing section.
Updating for Halo 5 - Locke (Hunter Class) Armor Set

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What’s the purpose of all the colors? Is it to show separate pieces?

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