Free Comic Book Day, Corvallis May 3rd, 2025

Kahn 319

405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN
Hello, I'm making this thread to gauge interest in a possible upcoming event. If enough people are interested i will lock it in, and put it open the calendar, i just want to make sure we have the numbers before we commit to anything.

-The Event: Heros Never die, comic shop, is putting on an event for free comic book day, they reached out to me asking if we could attend for a few hours in costume. Food will be provided for those wishing to partake.

-What will we be doing?: How it was explained to me is that the store is throwing a party of sorts, there will be a food truck and high traffic to the store, we will be recruiting and taking pictures with anyone who wants one.

-Where: Corvallis OR, at the store location

-When: May 3rd

-Who can attend?: Anyone who wants to can attend, please post below if you are interested in attending and if you will be in costume or not.

Lastly, this is a small event, i do not expect anyone to drive long distances to attend, please don't make this event a priority, its just something that could be fun.

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