Frost's H3 ODST Build - First Halo Cosplay


New Member
Hey all~ I've been working on my ODST for a little bit and am finally working up the courage to start sharing it~
I'm working from the Sean Bradley kit, and using a Branfuhr Studios helmet
It’s my first time working with HIPS so there’s definitely ways that I’ve done things that could’ve been done better, but it’s a good learning experience

When I received the armour it was definitely a bit daunting (and I definitely sat on it for half a year too scared to start) but I decided to get a wiggle on :)
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Had a few false starts along the way but eventually got the first pieces of the armour put together and realised that it wasn’t gonna be too big of a task, but still was gonna take some time

This was just the start of the armor build but I was starting to get a bit of confidence, I also printed a comms module (bucks model) modelled by Galactic Armory, alongside a flashlight mount, attached to the helmet using magnets. This project was also my first time soldering so there was a bit of learning I had to do there.

Progress at this point was going quickly, and I was finally feeling like I was getting some good work in. I also began printing my props for the armour, including a M6C and an M7S
In this last week I printed and painted my grenade canisters for my hip, and completed assembly on the chest rig section of the armor


Alongside this, I also started to print my backpack for the armour (Using the From the Brink Studios Backpack Files from Etsy)
It looks good! Curious about the mixture of 3d printing and Sean's Vac formed kit. Why did you want to mix and match?
Haha to be honest? Mostly shipping costs and exchange rate for the AUD, as well as having the printer here.. as much as I would have loved to buy more of Sean’s stuff (I did buy his glove kit though, just haven’t gotten around to it yet) it just isn’t really feasible to ship it halfway around the world with how weak the buying power of the Aussie dollar is :(
TLDR - It’s what’s on hand and going to keep the price down
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Fully printed my backpack for the ODST armour and a biofoam canister (from Jaku’s 3D Model thread)~ now I gotta do some more finishing work to get the backpack ready for soft parts, and the biofoam ready for paint~


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Haha to be honest? Mostly shipping costs and exchange rate for the AUD, as well as having the printer here.. as much as I would have loved to buy more of Sean’s stuff (I did buy his glove kit though, just haven’t gotten around to it yet) it just isn’t really feasible to ship it halfway around the world with how weak the buying power of the Aussie dollar is :(
TLDR - It’s what’s on hand and going to keep the price down
Makes complete sense!
Fully printed my backpack for the ODST armour and a biofoam canister (from Jaku’s 3D Model thread)~ now I gotta do some more finishing work to get the backpack ready for soft parts, and the biofoam ready for paint~
What are you using for a printer and settings? Also adhesive of choice to mate parts?
Makes complete sense!

What are you using for a printer and settings? Also adhesive of choice to mate parts?
My printer is a Creality K1, and I’m just using their standard Creality Print Hyper PLA profiles (with esun pla+ HS)
I’m just using zap a gap and slo zap to join parts, along with zip kicker :)
Fully printed my backpack for the ODST armour and a biofoam canister (from Jaku’s 3D Model thread)~ now I gotta do some more finishing work to get the backpack ready for soft parts, and the biofoam ready for paint~
Looks great!

Is the rucksack heavy? I'm asking since I'm thinking about printing one for myself, BUUUUUT my armor is foam so I'm kinda scared to commit to the print haha.
This is looking awesome so far, if you’re needing any advice or want to know what it could look like at the end I’m happy to help in that regard, my armour uses the sean bradley kit as well, although I went with an xcoser helmet as it was the cheaper option at the time for me. Good to see another fellow Aussie Drop Shock Trooper!
Looks great!

Is the rucksack heavy? I'm asking since I'm thinking about printing one for myself, BUUUUUT my armor is foam so I'm kinda scared to commit to the print haha.
While it is slightly heavier than foam, I don’t believe that it would be to a point where it would be a problem for foam armour if you ensure the connection point is spread out decently (just don’t have it connected by any super thin points and you should be fine)
Been a little while~ but now I’m running up against my personal deadline (PAX Australia) I’m glad to show my quick little test for of the armour, sans the boots bc I’m a dingus and didn’t put them on first~ I have a few repairs to make (the chestplate is the main one, I really have no clue what I can do longterm to fix the issue I’m having but I have a short term solution lined up)
I also applied my stickers to all the parts that require them, still yet to do the UNSC word mark on the bottom of the main breastplate but all the solutions I’ve come up with so far have been unsatisfactory, so I will be doing it over the next few days


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