Well-Known Member
Stole this from Project 003's facebook status, that was taken off 4chan. So funny!!
Totally gonna do this kind of shenanigans, tom foolery, and douchebaggery at Dragoncon!!
Awesome! Who was this!!I was cosplaying Hinata, and a friend of mine had come with me as Ino. We were walking around the con when she said she wanted to go to see one of the panels on a visiting speaker, and I wanted to keep looking around, so we agreed to meet up back at the hotel lobby later on.
When I was going through the dealer room I saw this group of guys, and one girl. They were all kinda overweight, and cosplaying naruto characters too. We made eye contact and I waved to be nice.
They wouldn't leave me alone after that. They followed me around the dealer's room and kept trying to talk to me and get me to join them. I answered the first few times to be nice, but I didn't want to go anywhere with them, they also smelled really bad, breath twice as much.
I managed to lose them, but when I got to the doors of the convention hall/hotel where the panels and stuff were being held, they spotted me crossing the street.
They acted like it was a game, and started hooting and hollaring as they chased me to the elevators. I was really freaked out now, and I really didn't want them touching me. They were still a bit away when the doors to the elevator going up opened, and there was this guy standing in there alone, cosplaying as one of those odst halo soldiers. As soon as the naruto hambeast leader came closest to the elevator, ODST guy steps up and punches him in the face. The guy hits the floor and the whole group is staring at us as the doors close.
I feel bad cause I just stood there quietly, and he got out on the third floor without saying anything. Definitely one of the coolest things that happened that year!

Totally gonna do this kind of shenanigans, tom foolery, and douchebaggery at Dragoncon!!
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