GalaxyCon Info and Roll Call: December 1st -December 3rd, 2023 (Columbus, OH)

Thanks for the support you and all the other's have me and the help getting the shoulders strapped up I have never gone to a con where I felt so much at home. You all made it feel like a bunch of brothers and sisters got to hang out after being gone for so long. It was sad to see it end, I got such a kick out of seeing all the kids small and adult smile when they got pictures with the Spartans. I will be at more of these with you guys. Nate I guess I am going have to get a pass port so I can come up there to some cons you have.
Thanks to you I found my new favorite game at a con. Try n stand as still as possible and try to fool people
Before I get back to my regular routine and start prepping for my final exams, I want to thank you all for making this past weekend exceptionally wonderful. Thank you all for helping me film my silly little insta reels, taking pictures, being friendly, manning the booth, keeping an eye out for everyone's costume, and being just all-around amazing! I'm so happy I got to meet you all again, and some of y'all for the first time! marinesniper , you're chief suit is AWESOME! And you do a phenomenal job in and out of your suit talking to folks and getting them to come and take pictures with us. It was a real treat to spend time with you. Cadet , your hard work being the man-in-charge does not go unnoticed. Being the eyes and ears of the whole community and making sure the weekend runs smooth is a big job! But you make it seem effortless. Thank you for all you do. SSGLordBert SSGLordErne SSGLordElmo You guys are an absolute blast to talk to. I always love hearing about the new stuff you're working on and I'm thrilled that I finally got to see it in person. All three of your suits look so cool. I'm so happy you all came out! SoleofDeath the blue mk6 looks great on you! I'm glad that old suit could get some use! Of course you're much more than an epic spartan, you're an invaluable member of the community and do a great job at the PR table. Not to mention your hilarious electrician memes XD. Fallen I loved seeing your new mk7 this weekend! Thank you for the tips on sewing the undersuit. I will be sure to buy that little tool (i forgot what it's called) next time I make an ab wrap. Negativecacti Your mk7 looks awesome! It's always a pleasure to hang out with you! Parzival I love your ODST! It was very nice to meet you again! Wayward Flood you are always a friendly face to talk to! It was lots of fun making a reel with you in your mk5. And thank you for all you do helping with the booth. Rosebud , you bring so much energy to conventions! As always, your mini warthog was tons of fun to have around! You also helped me out a ton with taking pictures, holding my phone, etc. so thank you for that. Wicked Demon 15 it was great to see you too! Thanks for making a reel with me. Your suit looks great! I'm glad I could finally see it in person! Benton188 it was great seeing you again too! I loved your dapper suit and helmet you wore! You look pretty sharp my guy. Thanks for always being a friendly member of the regiment. SpartanSweed I loved meeting you and your marine outfit is so cool! I'm glad we could kick back at the end of the day and enjoy a bottle of maple syrup at waffle house. And who could forget JTF4 , my partner in crime, my evil (blue team) twin, and the man who said yes to pretty much every wacky content idea I could throw at him. You're a legend. I would lead an army of jtf4's into battle if I could. Thank you for being a great friend, and a super cool spartan. I think half of the photos I have from this weekend are of you and I XD.

I'm terribly sorry if I missed anyone. There's just so many of you! You are all so much fun and make going to conventions so memorable. Thanks for coming out! I want to give everyone that helped set up the boot an extra special thank you. You guys are the ones that make conventions stress free for folks like me. Kudos to you guys for doing such a great job! Alright, that's the end for me. Back to the ol' grindstone. Can't wait to see y'all again soon.

P.S. If I filmed a reel with you this weekend, I'll be uploading them throughout the course of the next month. I'll be sure to add you as a collaborator and/or tag you.
Thanks for the kind words Nate!!! It was a blast to finally meet you in person. Your suit was fantastic and was fun to hang out with you and the rest of the 405th at the convention. Loved everyone's suits there and can't wait to see you guys again!!
Absolute round of applause to you all; your team work together and how your carried yourself is truly what made this event fantastic for everyone who came to see you. Whether it was panels, outreach, or just looking cool in your gear you sent home that the 405th comes to make a splash every time.

I will touch base with the event runners here in January to see if they would like us back. I will evaluate if this is a good convention to keep on our line up after some feedback and debriefing about the event itself.
Extremely glad to see those we met at CGCC again alongside new faces! I was asked multiple times what I wanted to do while there and every time the answer was just hanging out with the 405th, a great bunch and had a lot of fun. It was nice to have been able to display the progress made on the Sean Bradley kit over the weekend. Every late night working on it was well worth it.. Thanks guys.
Extremely glad to see those we met at CGCC again alongside new faces! I was asked multiple times what I wanted to do while there and every time the answer was just hanging out with the 405th, a great bunch and had a lot of fun. It was nice to have been able to display the progress made on the Sean Bradley kit over the weekend. Every late night working on it was well worth it.. Thanks guys.
Glad to see you were back around! Shame I missed it but hope you guys are doing well and everything is healed up!
We also chose on our end not to pursue/continue the event relationship with Galaxy until significant improvements to how their events operate are observed . So there will be no plans for a booth.
That was the answer I was looking for. Thanks NobleofDeath16 since I had a last-minute family event last year, I missed the opportunity to go to GalaxyCon. Can't wait to see everyone at the next two Ohio events.
Confirmed boots on the ground! Just grabbed my hotel and tickets today!! Did not realize we had a discount code though.. rest in peace lol
ETA - Saw there were recent comments.. but this is for last year oops
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Confirmed boots on the ground! Just grabbed my hotel and tickets today!! Did not realize we had a discount code though.. rest in peace lol
ETA - Saw there were recent comments.. but this is for last year oops
yes I'm not sure how many people will be attending Galaxy Con this year as we won't have a booth, and TORG is just 30 days prior and cleveland gaming classic is this weekend. TORG will be my last convention this year I believe
yes I'm not sure how many people will be attending Galaxy Con this year as we won't have a booth, and TORG is just 30 days prior and cleveland gaming classic is this weekend. TORG will be my last convention this year I believe
I unfortunately saw that we won’t have a booth this year after I purchased non-refundable tickets. Hopefully a few other folks decide to go so I’m not venturing around alone for three days lol!!
I unfortunately saw that we won’t have a booth this year after I purchased non-refundable tickets. Hopefully a few other folks decide to go so I’m not venturing around alone for three days lol!!
I'll reach out to you if we decide to make the trip since Columbus is only 2 hours away, might be worth a day trip.
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