Girls, it's time.

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I started an unfold of BenStreepers model. I actually got about 20 pages done before I reached the shoulders. You know those tubey things on the shoulders? They're being ridiculously impossible. Every tiny fold makes itself a seperate piece and they wont connect together in a reasonable/feasable manner. If anyone wants me to upload what I've got so far and then give it their own try at the rest I can, just let me know. As far as I've gotton, it's beyond my skills to finish and I see no reason to keep going on a project I'll never be able to finish. I will be starting an unfold on Jakkrit's model as it seems a lot simpler.
I would be grateful for the back of the model if you have done it? I've made the carmine chest and was going to adapt the back for anya but if you have the pep for it it would literally save my build!!!
I wonder. Bexi if you finished unfolding? :$ that'd be great i mean, not for me but for all you girls :D
this is unbelievably awesome! nice work, those high-def files look amazing!
I'm defiantly going to keep an eye on this thread for more updates

PS: I would totally wear the evil character
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