Got The Visor for you know what

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Well, for this, I'd say that visor would be good for a security helm. I've tried to make an EVA helmet, but there was no visor that would go all the way around, unless I used a gold transparent fishbowl. By the way, where did you get that visor Adam?? Is it from a motorcycle helmet??
Definitley from a motorcycle helm, my motorcycle helms visor is that big but thats the first gold one I've seen. Possibly home tinted?
wow everyone sounds like a begging dog but i dont blame them at all and im guessing that is for the security helm,CQB or EVA...i hope im right :lol:
Im currently working on a heat form, and already found gold window tint. If all goes well, Ill let you know. Right nowIm working on scale. If I can the measurments on a completed flying squirrel viro opening top side and bottom around the open edge where the visor would fit. I can verify the correct size of my template and build it. I havent started my helmet yet, Im working on all the other parts. Im having some scaling issues in pep right now, the scale adjustment features are disabled for some reaon.

Im going to be starting this visor heat for on friday, so if anyone can get me the measurements before then please let me know!
ILOL'D said:
I wanna know too, security is my favorite helmet. :D
What if it isnt even the security helmet? That would be a laugh. And I dont know about anyone else, but to me it looks like it could fit into the MKV bucket... I dont really think it could be security though, If you look at the security bucket, the visor is rounded up then round then it goes down. So yea, my guess is MKV. - Ice
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Ice said:
What if it isnt even the security helmet? That would be a laugh. And I dont know about anyone else, but to me it looks like it could fit into the MKV bucket... I dont really think it could be security though, If you look at the security bucket, the visor is rounded up then round then it goes down. So yea, my guess is MKV. - Ice
Yeah i kind of agree... If Adam wanted to make a security helmet he would propably use a helicopter visor (VERY similiar to marathon helmet).

I think it's going to be CQB since Adam had alot reference pics from it when he started this topic. (he still might have, i'm not sure).

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guys i think its just a HJC visor , its for thier open faced helmets. im was using the replacement visor for the CL-33 helmet for my MarkVI helmet cuz it had a vertical curve as well as horzontal, but i think i found something much better.
smilie120 said:
Why do they even make visors that big?
They make visors this big for the Open face Helmets (helmets missing the chin area).
It's actually very cool sine they curve in both ways like the MC visor does (my visor(s) where this big too!)

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Speculation, speculation... at least Tim has got some better eyes than a lot of folks. :whistle:

Why won't people just let this die? :rolleyes Anyway I had the chance to see this in person, and what I want to use that type of visor for is in both my CQB and Mk V. It fit's them marvelously. As to what it was intended for, Adam will have to tell you. But at this point I'm sure you can guess.
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