Grabbing Halo: Reach PC Assets and Importing into Blender

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Member DIN
Hello! I'm not going to do an into, so I'll just straight up and jump right into it.

EDIT: The 405th Does not allow for the Public Discussion of extracting In Game Files or Assets, or Publicly Offering Tools To assist in Such due to the violation of Microsoft's Terms of Service and "Game Content Usage Rules," specifically: "You can't reverse engineer our games to access the assets or otherwise do things that the games don't normally permit in order to create your Items."

(Attached to the post is a blender file to view the model below)


Flat models:
Annotation 2019-12-07 211549.png

With Textures:
Annotation 2019-12-07 211505.png

Edit: The texture files for Jorege are too large to attach in this post, so here they are on google drive.


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I flubbed hard on the avatar. My apologies Phauxelate.

Doing twice the gods work.

You are the greatest my guy! This will help immensely
Thanks man! Took a handful of hours, but I really feel like this can benifit just about everybody on this community. Matter of fact, as the titles are released on PC, all the halos will be like this. It's ganna be great!
This has a lot more than just spartan armor too. It's got the elite armor, as well as things like the cut scenes, maps, photos/icon files, and game modes. Tons of goodies here!
Thanks a ton for this, been looking at the files and trying to figure out how to rip em. I saw the .pak file but couldn't just open with rar and the .map files didn't work with adjutant. Had a random lightbulb tell me to look at the 405th forums and would you know it.

Installing unreal engine now so will see how this goes cause I didn't see a unrealpak.exe so assume you have to install unreal first.
Thanks a ton for this, been looking at the files and trying to figure out how to rip em. I saw the .pak file but couldn't just open with rar and the .map files didn't work with adjutant. Had a random lightbulb tell me to look at the 405th forums and would you know it.

Installing unreal engine now so will see how this goes cause I didn't see a unrealpak.exe so assume you have to install unreal first.

I actually automated the exporting of all the asset files to be used in blender, so you don't need the unrealpack.exe anymore (at least for reach). I'm currently looking into a way to streamline this, but all the hard work is done. Lemme give you a temporary link for the zip folder containing the 3D Models in the time being (You'll still need that python script to import them into blender v2.8): Firefox Send

Edit: Removed assets link because reasons
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Edit~ Nevermind I thought maybe you only ripped a certain amount I see now that is all in the editor.pak file. Wonder where the rest is, probably maps
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I've batch converted a crap ton of the .psk files to OBJ. It may have every armor permutation. I'll later sort through and rename the armor peices to their proper in-game names rather than them based on per character. Check them out for now:

(These 3D models are the models from the .pak in-game asset, so you won't need blender to export them to OBJ anymore)


  • Halo Reach 3D
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Hello Everyone. I have edited out Phauxelate's original post to remove the references to exactly how he removed the files from the game.

See, Asset ripping isn't a topic we encourage to be discussed here on the 405th. It is a legally complex topic, to say the least, and its implications for us are just as complex. We all benefit from the results of those members who extract assets, and 343i and MS sort of turn a blind eye to us hosting them and permutations of them modified for Pep and Foam, (likely due to the fact that these assets enable this community to exist, which in turn allows us to promote and support their franchise) but we don't want to kick the hornet’s nest by discussing how these resources ended up here.

At the end of the day asset ripping goes against the Terms and Services you see when installing or buying a game. Whenever you purchase a game, you're entering into a legal contract to use that game for its intended purpose, and nothing more. Breaking into that game's software to access the resources it uses violates the terms of that contract - regardless of your intent. Companies tend to not like that. The generic legal tagline usually goes along the lines of: "You will not modify or in any way alter or tamper with this software beyond its intended purpose".

This can have repercussions, obviously. In some cases, it's something as simple as a DMCA - the corporate equivalent of 'please take that stuff down'. In others, the consequences can be a little more severe. Either way, this sort of stuff isn't what we want for the 405th or any of our members, so we don't really allow our members to Publicly explain or detail how they managed to remove the game assets and files.
Hello Everyone. I have edited out @Phauxelate's original post to remove the references to exactly how he removed the files from the game.
Hey Cadet, thank you for keeping us safe and on the straight and narrow. It would be a shame if 343i & MS pulled any support from us. Even if they do "turn a blind eye".

I absolutely agree with this. I wasn't too sure whether I was legally able to or not, but I thought since I wasn't going monetize this in any way, I thought I may be in the clear to provide the process.

For the future MCC PC releases, I'll just provide the OBJ's, and not the process to obtain or the textures for them. I don't want to push our luck, since 343i is being human, and extremely generous by letting us do all of this and not taking it down. So many companies would love to put a stop to what we're doing were it be them, and I'm very glad 343i is letting this all this magic happen.

343i, you rock, and keep on keeping on! We all are very thankful for what everyone working there is doing. :)
It took a long time, but here they are! Basically all of the Halo: Reach spartan armors in OBJ format ready (or I think ready?) sorted into folders and ready for pepping!

I learned quite a bit doing this, and I'd be glad to do it again for the following halo releases, so plan for those to be done by me (and in a quicker time frame as well, now that I know my method). Cheers!

Edit: I'll see if I can get these models uploaded to the armory, as many of these models could be new additions. This zip also includes the base FEMALE armor, which I noticed has been missing everywhere


  • Halo Reach 3D Models (Sorted).zip
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