Gravity Hammer - Pepakura WIP

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I've finally acquired some swatches of leather, so the handle grips should actually be finished by tomorrow or the day after (I know I said that last week, but... meh! Despite not having done any sewing since compulsory GCSE textiles (Over 5 years ago) the precision required of pepakura seems to have allowed me to join the strips of leather I've cut with commendable finesse!

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I'm opting for a simple spiral wind, with slightly thicker bands than shown on the actual model (To reduce the wasted fabric from overlapping). Hopefully some sanding and fabric dye will reduce the orange shiny texture of the leather.

Edit: New pics of the attached strips of leather (Plus some simulated wear on the edges)

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Finally finished!


I took a load of other photos of the hammer by itself, but they came out way too saturated, or with too much flash glare. It looks much nicer in natural light than it does in the photos, but I think I'll pass on pepakura for whichever weapon I make next (Hopefully the Scattershot).

Final weight is roughly 2.08 kg, so it's quite a strain to hold it with an outstretched arm.
I was going to darken the leather, but I can't really be bothered right now, even if it clashes with the blue "lights" =P

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