I'm finally molding my grunt head, first 2 layers added, more to go, but i dont have much more moldrubber to get any more layers than 3 at least. gotta buy some more.
theres good news though, the tank has come a long way: the sides are added!!
the mold worked great, removed it, and made pictures of it( i didn't add plaster or resin for support yet, but i will cut it in half, and then put it back on the original. and then reinforce it.
anyway, the head:
going to reinforce and cast it, tomorrow , afternoon.
If you can get it off without slicing the glove mold, I would avoid cutting it. And it is generally a better idea to leave the glove mold on the master and do the mother mold before removing the glove mold. Trying to reseat everything perfectly is going to be a bear. I hope this works out well for you!