H3 Marine has officially started


New Member
I decided the H3 Marine will be a great Sunday outfit for cons after getting crushed in my ODST Friday and Saturday.

So, this will be my Marine progress thread until it's done.

First order of business- a full one piece print of the Marine Helmet, with no odea of scale, so i don't even know if it will fit, what could possibly go wrong with this 24 hour print?
Rough paintjob is complete.
For those that were interested at Mega, if you see this post. I use Vaseline and dirt mixed together, then placed as my masking for chips. I find toothpaste and liquid latex ends up being too smooth along the edges.
Detailing/weathering will be tomorrow amd ill post completed helmet pictures, probablyon Monday.
All i have left to print are the shoulders and chest/abdominal armor
Helmet still needs detailing, and i just finished printing the last piece of raw print. Next update will have everything with its base layer of paint and rough weathering.

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