H3 turret 1/2 scale

Nice... I've got that exact one myself. Picked it up at KMart.
Working on doing it up for carry around. Great minds think alike. :cool:
View attachment 359247
View attachment 359248
Hell yeah! That's super cool! One thing I noticed is the show mini gun took a regular one and just added the shields. I've always been a big fan of the triangular barrel myself. Buy your render looks so good I may have to make a second circular one lol.
Hell yeah! That's super cool! One thing I noticed is the show mini gun took a regular one and just added the shields. I've always been a big fan of the triangular barrel myself. Buy your render looks so good I may have to make a second circular one lol.
Thanks. To get closer to the TV show version I need to beef up the boxy back end and more closely match the show details. Change over the dual handle to a single. And beef up the top handle. And if it will still function okay without the center orange tube that's going to get gone as well; though I suspect its providing support
Thanks. To get closer to the TV show version I need to beef up the boxy back end and more closely match the show details. Change over the dual handle to a single. And beef up the top handle. And if it will still function okay without the center orange tube that's going to get gone as well; though I suspect its providing support
Cool! Yeah the center orange tube indeed supports the barrel and the fake barrels actually are half tubes that spin around it. Though replacing that tube with a clear or black tube of some kind might do the trick.

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