- Hall of Honor - Post Pics of your finished armor/weapons

Finally finished my latest suit! Its the Halo 5 Mako armor with a Deadeye helmet. The armor and undersuit are made 100% from foam and the helmet was a cast.
That under suit in incredible(to me at least). Did you stitch the foam to a morph suit or whats your secret?
Thank you! I use E6000 glue for the majority of the undersuit, and two part epoxy for the velcro on the spine and the straps for the thigh buckles.
Hey everyone! Spartan Akatsuki here, aka apparently the traffic cone! I'm based out of Hawaii and my armor was built by the amazing guys at The Wardrobe Armory (spidermonkey60). Here are a few pics of my armor! Enjoy!


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some details to add (almost complete shoes and backpack) and some proportion to adjust, but after a lot of work
and almost 2 years of research on materials, proportions, variants, and everything you can see
here is my ODST cosplay

I will make some variations in the future
I hope everyone will like it
write a comment too!




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Here are a few of my concept Halo Reach Armor, "Recon Assassin." Loads of knives helped earn that name at Dragon Con in 2016. It's my first attempt at making cosplay armor. I used all EVA with a cast Recon helmet from Troy Gordon. The Assault rifle was crafted for me by Sanit at Spicy Thai Designs. I truly enjoyed upgrading the armor and the helmet and weapons along the way. Putting in all the ventilation and electronics that allow me to live in it for extended periods of time. :) This was a great learning experience that brought me into the 405th.
Halo Reach Spartan 102 - Recon Assassin.jpg
Recon Assassin and Cortana 1.jpg
Recon Assassin and Cortana8.jpg
Recon Assassin S102 in Snow Unhelmeted.jpg
Recon Assassin with Boba Fett-All Smiles2.jpg
Here are a few of my concept Halo Reach Armor, "Recon Assassin." Loads of knives helped earn that name at Dragon Con in 2016. It's my first attempt at making cosplay armor. I used all EVA with a cast Recon helmet from Troy Gordon. The Assault rifle was crafted for me by Sanit at Spicy Thai Designs. I truly enjoyed upgrading the armor and the helmet and weapons along the way. Putting in all the ventilation and electronics that allow me to live in it for extended periods of time. :) This was a great learning experience that brought me into the 405th.View attachment 268387View attachment 268388View attachment 268389View attachment 268390View attachment 268391
I love the camo paint job and armor selection! Just wow! Got any side images of that awesome helmet!?
I love the camo paint job and armor selection! Just wow! Got any side images of that awesome helmet!?
I sure do. This custom Recon bucket is awesome, but weighs more with all Troy's added detail to the mold itself. I got one of the first! Leaves lots of room for electronics , padding, and fans.

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