there not exactly 100% 3D printed but the cosmetic parts are, and made from some of my nerf blasters i modded. paint was done with rust oleum camouflage spray paint.
Rayven DMR
Stryfe DMR
(unpainted without the suppressor)
(unpainted with the suppressor)
Stryfe DMR SMG, a personal creative idea i had floating around in my mind for a while, made with Workermod Kriss Vector kit and Workermod Submarine (Halo M412 DMR) kit, I nicknamed it M412-A SMG.
(with the suppressor.)
(without the suppressor.)
My Nerf MA40 AR which i custom painted, im pretty happy with how it turned out with the weathering and the rugged details with the scratches on it, gives it some age like its been used in actual combat for a few years. its my second one i have and painted.
here is the first one I painted though...
I took a few different pics of it.

and here are a few pics of me posing with them, was doing a fan film with a few friends on our 5 acre property.

and last but not least, a selfie of me holding the MA40 AR at home...
Hope you guys like them