- Hall of Honor - Post Pics of your finished armor/weapons

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I hope my armor turns out half this good. Lol.
Finished this a while ago but here’s my M57 Pilum!
Commander Carter full armour build:

Finally can say that this is (99.9%) finished. Haven’t decided on how I am going to do the visor detail.

First part completed. So much still to do. This was all 3D printed. And painting and wiring done by me.
HA I was like "Hm that courier pearl attachment looks familiar" and then I realized I modeled that one a few years back and sold it on Etsy and CGTrader. If you want the updated one lemme know, it's technically for sale on my new etsy but I don't care all that much.
I've already posted these pictures in a thread of my own, but I suppose it doesn't hurt to share it here too! Anyways, here's my M6C SOCOM, which just happens to be my first ever 3D print!


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