- Hall of Honor - Post Pics of your finished armor/weapons

My first costume, went with the low def Mark V for practice.



wow you guys are awsome and oh um can you guys like make me one man like i'm kind of just thirteen but my height is four feet two and i'd like the armor blue or green or red don't really care but just don't make it a girly color and just email me back when your finished with it and tell me how much it would cost and i'll give the money to ya as long as it's not over $300, THANKS!!!:)

My first job. The undersuit is a lycra bodysuit that I latexed and added craft foam to then latexed over that as well. It is pretty accurate. The rest is pepped and fiberglassed with epoxy based resin instead of polyester (the fumes kill me even with all proper gear on). I'm going to redo a bunch of it and refinish the rest. I was very pleased for such a rush job, but there is plenty of room for improvement.
Goddamn, that is seriously awesome! And I love the pose with the Xenomorph. Always fun with crossovers! Where was this?

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