- Hall of Honor - Post Pics of your finished armor/weapons

Alright, here I go....

These two were my first attempt at full "armor" costumes...

My next attempts were some scratch built ODST armor with pep'd helmets for my friend and I (cardboard, cardstock, resin)

My most resent attempt at this whole armor thing was ambitious... 3 Mjolnir Mark 5 suits for My friend, his girlfriend and myself... I only finished mine because of a lack of "willpower" on my friend's part... but I met a new friend at the midnight launch of Halo Anniversary.

And these are closeup shots of my scratch built helmet. (the rest was scratch built as well.)

hears my kids suits

I did the helmets in pep. and the body in foam hope you like



ya I figured out how to post photos

well now they want marine armor so I guess that's next
my first build




this is my first build,it's mostly Robogenesis pep files resined and glassed no bondo. i made it last year and the under armor is the cheapest bmx vest I could find on ebay 40$ now starting my second. should be better with all I learned from my mistakes.
yeah me, goosebot5000, and a new 405th member where all at the same gamestop, 3 magums, two MA5B's, and 2 SMG's wish i had pics of the night but the rain got in the way of things.
I was gonna make my own thread for this helmet, but I think I'll just post a pic here. I'm not sure who made the file its just listed as V1 in the database. This is the MC halo 4 helmet I built for a give away at the H4 release I went to... considering the mold was a near complete failure I think the helmet turned out well.

I have since added more detail and am going to remold the original soon :)
Lonewolf, you need to upload your photographs to an external sharing site, such as Photobucket, to display them on this site. Copying links to your computer won't work.

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