Props Halloween Nerf Upgrade

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Well-Known Member
Hi folks,

For Halloween a few of my buddies and I are going as a kind of custom Fallout gang of characters. We have a badarse lady soldier, a tactical bossman, and myself the heavy. For a gun I wanted to make a heavy gun of sorts, and what better to model off than the Nerf Vulcan!


Long story short I bought one off a local used items website and brought it home. After a short test fire i found consistent problems with the feed (there is a clutch inside somewhere that keeps slipping and won't advance the chain). After taking it apart I think i have found the source of the problem. When the gun is manually cocked a clutch system engages which detaches the electric motors gears from the firing system. When cock is released back to its resting position these gears don't re-engage with the toothed rail it should be (darn sharty plastic).


I'm curious if anyone has any experience with these beasts? Impressive engineering with shotty manufacturing; such a shame...

That isn't the point though. I'll be posting my mod progress here, and I'll start with a photo of my new ammo box!


Hello from the Netherlands! There isn't enough time to make it fire properly so I suspect I'll be putting the guts back in and dealing with a dead gun for now.

The plan is:
-Longer barrel
-remove all "nerf" related details
-wicked paintjob
-better handle

I'd love suggestions, thanks for reading!
Good to see you back and posting threads Jeff,

When the gun is manually cocked a clutch system engages which detaches the electric motors gears from the firing system. When cock is released back to its resting position these gears don't re-engage with the toothed rail it should be (darn sharty plastic).
Not being able to see much and not being there, I can't say what your problem is but this link may help you.
I've got a mate who mods these things with his mate in the big smoke. I'll talk to him tomorrow, if I can get a hold of him, and see if he knows anything about these.

And while we're talking about the nerf gun, these sites may be of interest to you (and by sites I just mean these instructables pages):
"The Ultimate Nerf Vulcan Mod" - How can you go past it? I mean, it's called the "ULTIMATE" Vulcan mod, right?

One on increasing firepower, or probably more accurately firing distance

And probably not that useful to you, how to convert it from DC to AC voltage, so instead of using a battery pack you plug it into a wall!

myself the heavy.
My Fallout knowledge really isn't that great, but do you mean this?

I'd love suggestions, thanks for reading!
The plan is:
-Longer barrel
-remove all "nerf" related details
-wicked paintjob
-better handle
Longer Barrel
Use some sort of hollow tubing :p
Remove Nerf 'stuff'
Sand all that stuff off, maybe chuck on a Fallout game logo or Vault Boy pic?
Wicked paintjob
Flames. Flames are "wicked" :p
Better Handle
Use a bit of dowel, perhaps 3/4 to 1 inch thick?, for the grip and just make sure that you balance the thing properly, because I hear that they didn't have great balance to begin with and you're adding a longer barrel which will potentially increase the weight exponentially.

In all seriousness, it being your plan and your work, I would suggest make it awesome and make sure you have fun.

Also, turning it into a Halo turret or something would be pretty cool too :p

Netherlands, are you referencing the beer or did you somehow magically transport yourself there?

Alright, Squish, or Scott, or Bobthenutpie out :p
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we're going as a fictional group, so none of that NCR business! more just rag-tag salvage type peoples.

As for the upgrades, I like the look of all of those! i am thinking of making an infinite loop chain feed so that i can handle a higher ROF without putting too much strain on the motor. Maybe even swap some of those parts out with smoothon re-cast parts.

I was thinking of extending the barrel by about a foot, then adding a support system to make it look like a home-brew weapon.

As for the Netherlands; 'tis the home of Heineken! If you can ever get to Amsterdam, go to the Heineken Experience. Its awesome. And there's loads of free beer!

I'll be grabbing some pvc tubing tomorrow to see if I can make headway with this thing. Thanks for the help so far :)
Small update today:

Combined two chains to make a 5'8", 50 round chain.




Took apart the clamping system for the tri-pod and am currently waiting for the construction adhesive to dry. I used PL400; that stuff looks like snot on clothes and never comes off!


Internal upgrades are going to have to wait, but thanks for the link Trout. I plan to make casts of all the internals (that I don't swap out for mods) and recast them with smoothon. Planning to stick with the original barrel frame, but swap out the barrel with some PVC from my local PVC store :p

Thanks for reading!
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