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Halo 2 Anniversary - Covenant Elite

Halo 2 Anniversary - Covenant Elite 1.0

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Art Andrews

Community Owner
Community Staff
Art Andrews submitted a new resource:

Halo 2 Anniversary - Covenant Elite - Sangheili (Elite) from Halo 2 Anniversary

This is a comprehensive zip file including numerous files from multiple artists.

Contents of zip-file:

  • halo-2-anniversary-covenant-sangheili-elite-armor.pdo
    Modeler: Yelsanick0117 Unfolder: Frozensnot
  • halo-2-anniversary-covenant-sangheili-elite-head.pdo
    Modeler: Yelsanick0117 Unfolder: Frozensnot
  • halo-2-anniversary-covenant-sangheili-elite-helmet.pdo
    Modeler: Yelsanick0117 Unfolder: Frozensnot

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how many hours would you say it took to build this guy? I'll have to find your build thread again to see how those stilts worked...
It took me about a year to fully complete my Elite. Mainly just because of all the trial and error and figuring it all out, plus i work full time. Im still making modifications to it as well and building a V2 currently, which is going a lot faster. Im sure someone who has worked with foam before could knock out an Elite in a couple months using the templates and going off my forum. Feel free to hit me up with questions any time too
It took me about a year to fully complete my Elite. Mainly just because of all the trial and error and figuring it all out, plus i work full time. Im still making modifications to it as well and building a V2 currently, which is going a lot faster. Im sure someone who has worked with foam before could knock out an Elite in a couple months using the templates and going off my forum. Feel free to hit me up with questions any time too
Seeing your build coming together and shown at Halo Outpost was so awesome. You did an amazing job with it!
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