• This forum serves as a repository for threads that are directly attached to the resources in our Armory. These threads are generated automatically and members cannot create new threads in this forum separate from a Armory resource. Please use these threads to discuss the files that have been made available in the Armory.
Halo Infinite MJOLNIR Mark VII

Halo Infinite MJOLNIR Mark VII 1.1

No permission to download
It would be great if you could support us with uploading the file of this armor, in my case I measure 1.82 mt
Hey Adessu, welcome to the 405th. If you're having trouble downloading the files, look for the orange button towards the top of the page to the right:
Are there/can we expect any updates in terms of files for different helmets and helmet/cuirass attachments? I'd love to make a mkVII with the UA/Malachit Plate or Relikt Cuirass and have some options for the helmet like Trailblazer or Aviator or ISR. Basically just anything outside of the "standard issue" mkVII Spartan Kit? Thanks (y)
Are there/can we expect any updates in terms of files for different helmets and helmet/cuirass attachments? I'd love to make a mkVII with the UA/Malachit Plate or Relikt Cuirass and have some options for the helmet like Trailblazer or Aviator or ISR. Basically just anything outside of the "standard issue" mkVII Spartan Kit? Thanks (y)
Same goes for shoulders, knee pads, thigh utilities, etc. Again, just anything that isn't standard issue or basic
Same goes for shoulders, knee pads, thigh utilities, etc. Again, just anything that isn't standard issue or basic
All of the files here in the Armory are those that members of this community have generously donated their time, talent, and energy into creating and then graciously offering up for everyone to use free of charge.

So, there is no timeline or deadline. These files will be available when one of our fantastic modelers has the spare time to tackle the project.
All of the files here in the Armory are those that members of this community have generously donated their time, talent, and energy into creating and then graciously offering up for everyone to use free of charge.

So, there is no timeline or deadline. These files will be available when one of our fantastic modelers has the spare time to tackle the project.
I totally get that, I just figured I'd ask. Thank you :)
What size foam do you guys recommend for this? I am new to foamsmithing armor and cant seem to find what size i should use.
You'll likely need 5mm too. 10mm for main sections, and anywhere needing strength. 5mm for pieces that are curved or bent in a way that 10mm might struggle with sometimes (for example, I've recently changed from using 10mm to 5mm for curved domes of helmets), and for finer details. 2mm is also useful for finishing touches with final detailing, things like buckles, slightly raised details etc.
FANGS submitted a new resource:

Halo Infinite MJOLNIR Mark VII - Mark VII Armor from Halo Infinite

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I have a question about the files. Are these only foam templates for the full Mark VII armor? Is there a way I can make the files into STL's so that I could 3D-print a Spartan cosplay? The Free Print Index has some parts of the Mark VII, but misses some parts such as the waist, shin armor, knee pads, and the hand plates.
I have a question about the files. Are these only foam templates for the full Mark VII armor? Is there a way I can make the files into STL's so that I could 3D-print a Spartan cosplay? The Free Print Index has some parts of the Mark VII, but misses some parts such as the waist, shin armor, knee pads, and the hand plates.
Yes the armory files are designed for use with foam and pepakura method. Some components of the armor were not made available by the creators for 3d printing as the original owners already have a version that they either sell or have for privatized use only.
I have a question about the files. Are these only foam templates for the full Mark VII armor? Is there a way I can make the files into STL's so that I could 3D-print a Spartan cosplay? The Free Print Index has some parts of the Mark VII, but misses some parts such as the waist, shin armor, knee pads, and the hand plates.
Id recommend MoeSizzlac on Thingiverse for Free 3D files. But TidlewaveProductions on etsy has several add-on files like different shoulders and what not. All for the MKVII
i do like the style of the armor in infinite and i take my hat off to those of you who foam build, i can not do it to save my life...
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