Halo 2 Battle Rifle (MDF)

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Making the halo 2 br from halo 5, from MDF, working bolt, trigger, and magazine.

Photo on 09-02-18 at 20.41.jpg
Photo on 09-02-18 at 20.41.jpg
Photo on 09-02-18 at 20.41.jpg

Photo on 09-02-18 at 20.42.jpg
Word of warning on making a BR out of MDF. I made the Halo 2/3 BR55HB out of MDF and hardboard with hollows and the damn thing was still more than 10lbs which gets a bit tiring when lugging it around for eight hours at a con along with being in armour. Any place that you can find to reduce weight of your piece, do it. Rout channels, cut out sections, do whatever on interior pieces just to remove material and save your future self some stress.
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