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I decided that since i hardly ever see H2 ODST builds on here, i might as well make the set. I've started with the helmet, and i think ill do the shins next. This is also pretty much my first pep so tell me what you think =]


By null at 2011-02-12


By null at 2011-02-12


By null at 2011-02-12

PS the helmets not done yet =P if you cant tell
Yeah, i actually have more pieces to go on the collar, that will straighten it out when i actually put them on there, i cant really tell the top is warped so im not sure how id fix it =P

Andd, i wont be using resin, im going to use the Hot Glue method for this.
Here are some pictures of the shoulder, right leg, and the finished helmet i pepped.







I know the helmet looks like its bent and warped, but its not, the lighting of the room i took the pictures in just makes it seem that way.
the helmet is seriously warped everywhere. are you uaing cardstock? i dont think bondo can fix that much warpage.
the helmet is seriously warped everywhere. are you uaing cardstock? i dont think bondo can fix that much warpage.
Yes, im using cardstock, and like i said, its nowhere near as warped as it looks. For some reason the light in this room makes weird shadows on it, something to do with it being rounded or something.
nice job so far man and keep up the good work
can't wait to see more and finished :D

Thanks =] ill prolly do the other leg and shoulder tomorow. Also i think i will redo the helmet with a different pep file, i absolutely despise all of those spike folds and theres a file on the wiki without any so i think i will use that one.
Oh i dont rush, the only reason it doesnt take long is the shoulder is insanely simple, and so are the legs, im sure the torso will take longer though.
Looking great! Idd suggest you'd have a look at the flap settings, Will make the flaps shorter and Will reduce your paper waste. Keep it up!
Okay, i know this is a double post but oh well.

Anyways, im waiting for some more super glue and cardstock, so i thought id brainstorm on a color scheme while waiting. Which do you think sounds better, Black with a gold trim or Gold with a black trim?

Also, any other ideas are appreciated =]
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