1st Build Halo 3 MK VI color


New Member
So, I am currently making my first cosplay armor, means that I'm pretty new here, hello first of all . I've been wondering about the color I should go for, I have different RAL colors, but I have no clue which one is more lore or game accurate. The different colors would be:
RAL 6003
RAL 6013
RAL 6014
RAL 6031

Maybe someone has a good suggestion for a color I could use, would be pretty thankful for that
So, I am currently making my first cosplay armor, means that I'm pretty new here, hello first of all . I've been wondering about the color I should go for, I have different RAL colors, but I have no clue which one is more lore or game accurate. The different colors would be:
RAL 6003
RAL 6013
RAL 6014
RAL 6031

Maybe someone has a good suggestion for a color I could use, would be pretty thankful for that
I really like the latter two but any of them can work. I recommend getting creative with weathering and patterns, Spartans armor is a reflection of their personality so make it unique
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