Well it’s really going to be how it’s scaled to you based off your height, leg/thigh length/width/diameter, etc. The best option is to cut them out, and then tape them together, almost as if you’re making the actual pep build, and check the size compared to your thighs by sliding the paper template over your leg. I had to do that many a time and went through a lot of card stock and paper, but it was better to use card stock/paper than to do all of the foam work just to find out it wasn’t the proper size. Use the Rookie Cosplay Guide to see how big they should look on you. If you have a body tape measure, that would help out a bunch too, for measurements. Even after sizing my greaves/shins, I had made them way too big. ArmorSmith saved me though, as that program made it so easy to make things fitted. Luckily because of me making them so big, I was able to take my greaves apart, lay smaller templates over them, recut them, and then voila, made a good set lol if you think yours are too small though, definitely cut out the templates, tape it all together, and slide it over your thigh. Keep in mind too the thickness of whatever foam you’re using and compensate for it fitting more tight.