Normals Fixed:
The SMG is now READY TO BE UNFOLDED (Woo-hoo!)
(New and Improved) Halo 3: ODST SMG
Unlike some other annoying weapon files, this file isn't one where the barrel geometry just goes right through the gun, etc. The red-outlines detail faces on the sides and top of the gun are there as a template, so you can cut out several copies of them to build up width, or just use it as a guide for cutting out cardboard/foam pieces. The secondary handle is designed to allow the handle (once properly connected with the main body of the gun) to swivel from an up-right position to a near-90-degrees fold in. The handle/trigger-guard has an area cut out to allow the trigger to go inside the gun (although you might want to make the trigger out of cardboard, etc. The silencer should slide right on after being resined (or before), and the sliding stock can in-fact slide because of a hole cut out in the main body of the gun.
The magazine clip is not actually attatched to the main gun: I guess that, after resining, you could drill two holes in the main body of the gun covered by the clip, and glue two short dowels to the back of the clip. Then it would fit right in and still be removable.
If you plan to use a real lazer pointed, I wouldn't waste time pepping the little barrel thing poking out of the rectangular sight box. I'm sorry I didn't make the little addition which you can add to the top (a sight?), but I suppose you can always scratch build it. If built at a standard size, I could later release an additional file so you could have that element on the gun.
I just tried to model a weapon and not include all the things in other weapon models that make pepping a pain, or sometimes impossible. I hope you all like it!