Halo 3: Odst - Pepakura Armor

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I was just looking through the new OXM, and there's a picture of Romeo with only the one shoulder with the sniper plates. the other shoulder wasn't there.

Do I not need two shoulders?
New Pre-Resin Custom Detailing on the Rookie Helm (Note - this isn't my armor progress thread, but I thought you'd still like to see it.)

I still have to do the detailing on the back, but that would be much easier if I had a sheet of Foamies. Anyway, here it is. Not much, but I still like it. I might do more custom details to really make the helmet my own, and not the Rookies. I might add a fin down the center, or two, anything that looks cool. Any sugguestions?





nice shade! i ALSO finished my Ral Partha Rookie helm tonight! now i have not one... but TWO Rookie Helms. haha. im gonna start a thread soon but i love the details you threw in there. they look really cool. oh, and btw, 1mb never did contact you did he? :angry . oh well. looks like ill just have to try and make the best of it and try to scale it before peppin..
well, i made the shoulder strap and it looks like im going to have to modify it more.

it doesnt curve enough so its impossable to make it the righ height and depth.




BTW, the helmet looks great nightshade.
Did anyone ever make a thigh piece? i was thinking of making a scratch version myself but i dunno... Also i am in the process of getting a good camra :D so ill upload pics soon. Oh! also, we need a new back. Great work Nightmare! Nightshade your SMG was AMAZiNG!!!
Thanks! I'm torn between adding and not adding custom details, because if I even end up making casts for the classifieds, they won't really be Rookie helms, they'll be custom ones (and some people favor accuracy of creativity). Then again, I should probably do my armor how I want to do it. Hmmm ... (also, Flipboy, why do you have two Rookies? Did you scale it improperly?)

By the way, if any of you have even spent time reading Rube's ODST helmet thread (the perfect-lookin' helmet one), he added some detail plates just above the visor (like the detail above the Mark VI visor, under the protrusion). Are these small plates still present in the new game? They look cool, but I'm not adding them until I'm sure.

Oh! also, we need a new back.

True, but I'm not planning on modeling any more until I get the essentials of my armor done. And I wouldn't sugguest PMing SKG and asking her to mod her own file. She's made it clear that she just doesn't have "downtime" like she used to.


Idea for the undersuit. For the main shirt under all the armor, not including the visible leathery/foamy pads on the arms, I would sugguest using those long-sleeved wintery shirts you might know (I've heard them called "Waffle-weave", but Google doesn't bring up any good examples) that look like they have tiny little squares indented into the weave. Anyway, I think a good olive-drab colored one-of-those would fit the bill, according to these pics:



I know that this isn't that helpful, but hey, someone just might know what I mean ... I hope ...
@nightshade i think ur talking about thermal shirts maybe

and the shoulder straps just need to be longer and i think thatll do the trick
Dont worry shade, i wasnt really comcerned about the back that much,(ill probably just modify the existing one) but I totally agree with you on the under-armor. for the Soulder pad things, i was in a surf shop the other day and i was thinking, can you buy that wetsuit material? that would be almost perfect for the shoulder.
PsychoMike said:
hey crackhead is does this work for the left and right thighs because there's only on file

just go to 2d pattern and click invert pattern
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@Shade: I was kind of saving it for a surprise, but i already thought of that ahaha. You can just go to Big 5 or some other sporting goods store and get some thermal underwear for skiing etc. Mine is a billabong shirt, but same difference.
TheRookie said:
Dont worry shade, i wasnt really comcerned about the back that much,(ill probably just modify the existing one) but I totally agree with you on the under-armor. for the Soulder pad things, i was in a surf shop the other day and i was thinking, can you buy that wetsuit material? that would be almost perfect for the shoulder.

Sorry for the double post, but i think this is different enough for another post.

If you go a few pages back, I posted a link to some shoulder braces/protectors that I ordered that would work perfectly.
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Mmmm, I'm glad that someone knows what I'm talking about.

Here's a better example pic. (Hmmm, "thermal", now that's the word I was looking for ...)


Hey, come to think of it, I'm pretty sure I still have a long-sleeve green camo thermal shirt with the same texture ... Sweet!
Glad I could help you out :p

Do you think that ski pants would be way too hot? Becuase those are the most military pants I have
I'm using a "Heatgear" long sleeved top for mine, as it regulates body heat because i'll be wearing my odst in may - the height in spring :(
Shade said:
Hey Nightshade, I hate to ask you, but can you make the SMG's Red Dot Sight?

Do what im doing. Take the detailed smg.


Select the "corresponding face" icon


then select all the pieces you want while holding the shift key


then take every other piece away.


And there you go! You can do this for every piece of detail.
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