So bit of a heartbreaking development that I forgot to add when the rifle came in, but the postal system either in Germany or the US was very unkind to the rifle. The box was almost ripped to shreds and there was a distinct footprint on it like someone had stepped on it.
As you all can see, the stock has snapped off from the main body and now hangs loosely on the inner barrel. I've already got some emergency E6000 on order from Bezos Corp and some Gorilla Glue standing by. My goal is to coat the inner barrel with E6000 and rotate the stock so it coats the inside of the stock, then hit the broken section with Gorilla Glue and stand the rifle on the stock to make the "clamp" hopefully things turn out well!
On the plus side, it is a clean break so there isnt too much that I have to worry about...just very disheartening. A word of advice if you're having cosplay parts shipped, always remember to put fragile stickers on your boxes. Even if you pack it to hell with padding.