Active Member
HEY guys! I have known about the 405th community for about 2 years. I've done a lot of research on how to do the steps, watched some videos, studied the 101 forums here, and have a good understanding on how the steps go. I have only gone as far as resining an ODST helmet, and it would turn out great, if i had the money to finish it. I'ts only my practice piece though.
I plan for a great much spent time of the last few weeks of my summer, to print and pep my own MC build. I am ready to dedicate myself to the effort and with all my free time in every day of summer, i want to do it now. So that school doesn't get in the way of steps 1-3. I hope to at least get my parts printed (scaled accurately too), cut, and assembled together by the time i start school. I too will and intend to do what some of you are doing here with your MC builds and have a costume of my own of course. And I hope we all end up with awesome and successful suits!
The only things I need help with are the following (I have also posted the same questions at this forum: http://www.405th.com/showthread.php/34303-Halo-4-Pepakura-(Files-within))
1. Where did you get both symmetrical thigh and forearm pieces? Because I have every other part I need.
2. Where can I get a Spartan 4 Soldier/Warrior helmet file unfold?
The helmet looks like this:
Thank you all if you read this, and to this OP of this forum and all armor forgers; I hope us all awesome armors!
Well sorry to say their are little files on that spartan.
and the closest thing I know to the helmet would be this file
I'm sorry but they don't have the full unfolded armor YET just wait a while they will get it done sooner or later.