Halo 4 armor Build

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HEY guys! I have known about the 405th community for about 2 years. I've done a lot of research on how to do the steps, watched some videos, studied the 101 forums here, and have a good understanding on how the steps go. I have only gone as far as resining an ODST helmet, and it would turn out great, if i had the money to finish it. I'ts only my practice piece though.


I plan for a great much spent time of the last few weeks of my summer, to print and pep my own MC build. I am ready to dedicate myself to the effort and with all my free time in every day of summer, i want to do it now. So that school doesn't get in the way of steps 1-3. I hope to at least get my parts printed (scaled accurately too), cut, and assembled together by the time i start school. I too will and intend to do what some of you are doing here with your MC builds and have a costume of my own of course. And I hope we all end up with awesome and successful suits!

The only things I need help with are the following (I have also posted the same questions at this forum: http://www.405th.com/showthread.php/34303-Halo-4-Pepakura-(Files-within))

1. Where did you get both symmetrical thigh and forearm pieces? Because I have every other part I need.
2. Where can I get a Spartan 4 Soldier/Warrior helmet file unfold?

The helmet looks like this:

Thank you all if you read this, and to this OP of this forum and all armor forgers; I hope us all awesome armors!

Well sorry to say their are little files on that spartan.

and the closest thing I know to the helmet would be this file
I'm sorry but they don't have the full unfolded armor YET just wait a while they will get it done sooner or later.
@Bulbxsaur awesome build so far, KEEP IT UP.
@AceLeader09 http://www.4shared.com/file/3w3aDmOW/Halo_4_helmet_demon__Satchmo_I.html heres the link to the helm that Satchmo III made.

Did you make that file?? it looks really good for 38 Pieces!
Now time for

Update:Well everyone I just finished resining and smoothcasting my thighs!
im very happy how they turned out! Put 4 layers and their Solid!
Here are the pictures In order.




Tell me what you think! :) (still need to sand it down for drips and stuff...)
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Awesome job so far and your scaling looks spot on. Keep it up and good luck with the dead line for the HALO release in November.
Alright thanks, that I agree is a good 38 pieces and depending on my progress, I might make that too. It should be easier for me to make the soldier/demon helmet than MC's. The soldier's helmet is simpler and a visor should be easy to get as well.
hey good work so far.

i am mid build myself and am shoting for the midnight release as well

good luck with your build

loving it
Hey guys since this is my first project I'm trying my best, but was wondering is bondo absolutely necessary?
Its a pain I have used it before just wondering if its a vital part in making a set of armor.
As far as I can tell, the bondo process is basically the actual shaping of the armor. The pepakura cardstock work is just a guide and not the final surface, it lacks the small details and the precise curvature in itself - the final surface has to be built by the bondo and sanding process. The entire fiberglass part is only there to provide an underlying structure to the armor pieces so it's not enough in itself.

Cereal's thread is a very good example of this. He's basically rebuilding the entire armor on top of the fiberglassed pep work using bondo.
Compare your results with what he posted in his thread - your pieces are a bit angular and warped here and there, whereas he polishes everything to a near perfect finish.
As far as I can tell, the bondo process is basically the actual shaping of the armor. The pepakura cardstock work is just a guide and not the final surface, it lacks the small details and the precise curvature in itself - the final surface has to be built by the bondo and sanding process. The entire fiberglass part is only there to provide an underlying structure to the armor pieces so it's not enough in itself.

Cereal's thread is a very good example of this. He's basically rebuilding the entire armor on top of the fiberglassed pep work using bondo.
Compare your results with what he posted in his thread - your pieces are a bit angular and warped here and there, whereas he polishes everything to a near perfect finish.

wow thank you I'm watching the bondoing process and am learning a lot!
To build on Vargatom's answer a little more, Bondo is optional if you don't mind having a suit with lots of polygons. Go to this thread How-many-completed-halo-costumes-on-the-405th and look at the first 5 entries or so.

Some of them you can still clearly see the pep work under the paint, while others have parts with smooth curves instead of sharp angles. Using bondo will take lots of time, but with patience and effort you take the end result from "Cool!" to "OMFG That guy is wearing ACTUAL SPARTAN ARMOUR!!!"

Figure out what end result you are happy with and balance that with how much time you have, and what budget you are working with (bondo isn't free).
Thx for the reply i have decided to do bondo
here is a pic of the back of the thigh
have 2 coats on
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Looking stellar man! As for bondo, its looking good. Its always key to get it as smooth as possible when applying it. Cant wait to see more!
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