Halo 4 helmet knockoff?

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Has anyone watched the movie BATTLESHIP and noticed that the alien helmets look EXACTLY the same as the Halo 4 Orbital helmet? who copied who in this case? or coincidence?
ILM was in charge of the effects and props:

Probably drew from the Halo series as inspiration, not too uncommon for movies to be inspired by games nowadays...

(Keep in mind, Halo drew from Starship Troopers and Aliens as inspiration; compare the UNSC Marine helmets with the helmets the Mobile Infantry wears, Pelican dropship with Cheyenne Dropship, Foehammer with the pilot from Aliens, and many more).
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I actually had this same thought that the aliens in battleship looked very halo inspired :)
hahahaha yeah I guess it does look familiar with the exception of the scope and other minor details. 500yrs in the future and not much has changed huh.
hahahaha yeah I guess it does look familiar with the exception of the scope and other minor details. 500yrs in the future and not much has changed huh.

That, and probably because Neil Bloomkamp also directed the Halo: Landfall short... XD
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