• This forum serves as a repository for threads that are directly attached to the resources in our Armory. These threads are generated automatically and members cannot create new threads in this forum separate from a Armory resource. Please use these threads to discuss the files that have been made available in the Armory.
Halo 4 - MJOLNIR GEN2 - Venator

Halo 4 - MJOLNIR GEN2 - Venator 1.1

No permission to download
No rush, but is the leg armor and the hip armor coming?
All of the resources in our Armory entries are files that have been graciously made by members of our Community and then generously donated for use by all Members. As such, we only have those files that members have made and then unfolded and then donated. If files are missing, then that means that no one has taken that challenge upon themselves to create them for their fellow community members.

There are a few very generous community members who take requests for what files others would like to see next, such as ODCA :

That you can try reaching out to and see if they will add these files to their list.
All of the resources in our Armory entries are files that have been graciously made by members of our Community and then generously donated for use by all Members. As such, we only have those files that members have made and then unfolded and then donated. If files are missing, then that means that no one has taken that challenge upon themselves to create them for their fellow community members.

There are a few very generous community members who take requests for what files others would like to see next, such as ODCA :

That you can try reaching out to and see if they will add these files to their list.
Thank you!
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