stryde - Thank youu! seriously
I love all the thorough planning that went into your bodysuit! I'm particularly loving the neck seal area. On a side note, you've chosen the same paint scheme I did! I'll definitely be watching for updates. ^^
Very cool! See below, I just did a test spray to see how it will look. As for the undersuit, the planning was very necessary, however, plans changed dramatically when it came down to it. I have zero knowledge of sewing (still do haha) and I already know what I'm going to do different next time. For instance, I'm really not taking advantage of the spandex nature of spandex - I wanted it to be skin tight! However, it's just not that way because I did't know how to size the pattern I made in a way that would do that. I just found a rashgaurd in my closet that fits amazingly like what I wanted, so in hindsight, I probably should have used that as my base pattern and altered it. I'm going to do that with a pair of leggings actually for my lower body. I checked out your build, that undersuit is lookin killer. I love the "hex" pattern. is that an automatic setting on your machine? it looks legit!
I was excited to see how the painting would look, so I just spent the last few hours doing a test spray to see what it will look like and to start practicing with painting techniques.
First off was the plastidip. I could not get this stuff to work right for me! i used the spray can kinda and found if very hard to get adequate coverage that wouldn't have micro bubbles/pinheads in it when sprayed with spray paint. Below is what I'm talking about:
A - Two coats of spray plastidip, dried for a half hour in the sun, then sprayed with Montana Gold spray paint ("Marble" color)
B - Brushed on liquid plastidip, one coat, dried for a half hour in the sun, then sprayed with Montana Gold spray paint ("Marble" color)
A has the bubbles I was talking about. this I'm not a fan of.
B got the job done in one coat, but it will be hard to get an even coat here i feel (there will be tiny bumbs/brush strokes where the dip puddles)
That being said, I think I'm going to go with B. Its a cleaner, better option I feel. I simply don't want to risk the bubbles and with my light color, the black wash will bring those things right out and I will be displeased. I'd rather deal with a few brushstrokes than the hassle of the spray plastidip.
Any suggestions here though?
The below were sprayed/primed/plastidipped more than I'd like to admit (I was struggling to eliminate those micro bubbles!). They definitely lost their definition/edges so I had to fudge it in painting and the black wash didn't pick up as much detail as I would have liked.
A - First attempt. Hot mess. Paint peeled off when I removed some masking tape (too many layers of plastidip and being hasty with taping/not letting it dry). I also blackwashed with undiluted black acrylic and then tried to take some off with thinner (like I've seen in a few tutorials) which resulted in smearing of the under layer as well. won't be doing that again. I used the vaseline method for the damage on the stripes. also used way too much here.
B - Second attempt. Slightly better. Diluted the acrylic with water instead (much better). damaging on the stripe was still too much though. also over chromed/drybrushed the edges on this one too.
C/D - Getting there but still not where I'd like it. these are definitely the closest though. the red stripe damaging is about right on, and the black washing is pretty close too. D however had too much plastidip/previous coats so when wiped off, none of the black wash stayed in the nooks/edges/joints

lesson learned.
Overall, definitely a good learning experience though! most important: i learned i'm really effin impatient and wanted to paint stuff immediately before it was dry... so ya... i'll have to work on that.
comments/suggestions anticipated (especially around that plastidip issue... grrr...)