Halo 4 Pepakura (Files within)

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Does anyone know where to find Halo 4 recon helmet ? I've been browsing but haven't came across it. I apologize if I've missed it.

Thanks in advance and thanks to all who have taken the time to create,unfold and share these files. :)

There's a guy who was working on the H4 recon helmet but he's put it on hold since some parts were being a bit problematic. I think it's pretty similar to the H3. The "mouth piece" seems more pronounced and I think the visor shape is altered a little bit. But I think the basic design is the same. I love me the H4 recon helmet, so I'd love to make it, too.
I apologize if someone already asked this, but is there a way to obtain the full set of Mark VI (Halo 4 retcon) by a means that does not require $10/month?
That sounded harsher than I wanted it to, but you get my point.
I'm sorry, what exactly requires a subscription fee? 4Shared has an option for it, but if you sign up without paying, and click Free Download, it gives a 20-second wait period then you download the file.

EDIT: It's "Free Download" not regular download, sorry.
I apologize if someone already asked this, but is there a way to obtain the full set of Mark VI (Halo 4 retcon) by a means that does not require $10/month?
That sounded harsher than I wanted it to, but you get my point.

Download each piece seperately. Trying to download the full set all at once converts it to a .zip file, and you need to have a premium membership to download .zip files. You can download the individual pieces with a free account, however.
alright so i watched a tut, figured out how to unfold (basics anyway, no flap size changes or anything) and when i unfold it shows alot of tiny random pieces that aren't there when i specified open edges. someone professional who unfolds wanna critique my unfold? this is my first attempt.
[edit] its coming along slowly, i have to work this whole weekend but when i get back i will try to finish up and upload as quick as i can, i am kinda liking this unfolding project and getting the hang of it (i think), thank you monkey fuj for the hard work! see you all soon. [/edit]
Hey Guys, sorry for the lack of updates recently. I've been working on getting the rest of the Soldier variant pieces done. So far I've got the helmet, knee, thigh, and lower leg stuff done. Still need the foot, chest and arms though.
listen up, My mom has a program that makes paterns for clothes. I know that if i get my hands on a HD undwersuit model i could get her to run it through her program and print the patterns. Now I am a pretty good modeler but i just dont have the time to dive into this, my fiancee was diagnosed with cancer and spending my free time with her is first. i would like to have printable patterns (for my fellow 405thers) sooner than later. so that is why Im typing this. think about what i am proposing. A "downloadable undersuit", that is universal and can be made out of any fabric/ material or combination of materials!!!! all i need is detailed 3d model. I even know how to do the costume sizes and where the tapers and himlines should be, Im wrtiting the tutorial on paper when ever i get a free second. I even found a reference pic of gen2 that someone posteda while ago (James_005). anyone want to help take a stab at making a universal undersuit?????
here are the Ref pics:
Dang it boy! Call yo mama! (Hahaha, JK)

This might be it. http://www.berninamylabel.com/

Or this one. http://www.browzwear.com/products/v-stitcher/

I think she has the bernina. Im not sure though. shes horrible at describing things over the phone and i would rather trust my own eyes.
but after telling my younger brother about this project he suggested that I go with what everyone knows. (AKA a pep to suit method). "Dont reinvent the wheel, just put bigger and better tires on them." - my Brother.
so i have come up with another method of getting the undersuit downloadable ((after sitting at work and doing nothing but think b/c the network was down)).
with that said. if i get my hands on aome good HD 3d models I shall present the community with not one ,but two ways to download their undersuit.
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