I has the power of the program now and ima so happy with wanting to start using it i dont know what to capture first!!!: Thanks again
I has the power of the program now and ima so happy with wanting to start using it i dont know what to capture first!!!: Thanks again
Guys, be aware that neither the ingame nor the scratch built armor pieces are guaranteed to fit your bodies. Even the ingame spartan bodies are heavily stylized and have shorter torsos and longer limbs compared to regular humans; also their heads are much smaller because of their height.
That's because brain and eye sizes are more or less the same for every human, no matter how tall you are - so a 7-feet tall guy has a proportionally small head compared to a 6-feet one.
So try to find a way to check the templates before you start your build, in order to avoid wasting time and resources.
Guys, be aware that neither the ingame nor the scratch built armor pieces are guaranteed to fit your bodies. Even the ingame spartan bodies are heavily stylized and have shorter torsos and longer limbs compared to regular humans; also their heads are much smaller because of their height.
That's because brain and eye sizes are more or less the same for every human, no matter how tall you are - so a 7-feet tall guy has a proportionally small head compared to a 6-feet one.
So try to find a way to check the templates before you start your build, in order to avoid wasting time and resources.
That's why I plan on using 123D Catch to capture my own body and scale my models to my own dimensions.
Good idea Kingrahl! Make sure ya got proper lighting! Maybe even try wearing a morphsuit/ underarmor to get a better capture of your body xD
I'm going to be attempting this after winter, but man, good luck! 123D Catch certainly is a breakthrough for us!
I've been thinking about this since last year when I saw this http://www.gamespot.com/features/comic-con-2012-360-costume-cam-6383837/?page=1. They used multiple cameras at once to take multiple angles. This will help prevent distortion from a person moving while you walk around them taking single pictures.
wow, those renders look amazing! just wondering if you could send me the files for them that'd be awesome!
could i get the recruit files to unfold? my email is true.ka5p3r@gmail.com
Thats looking really good... If you dont mind I would like to take a stab at unfolding the Helmet, Shins, and Boots... Just let me know and I'll pm you my email...