Those forearms look awesome! And you did that in 6 hours?! Crazy! I also love the fact that you placed the fan in front of the mouth area. With that running, it should change your voice. Just don't stick your tongue out at anyone while the helmet is on and the fan running!!!
I really appreciate it EVAkura!!! Yea i DID complete it within 6 hours. For the fan, it emits a blue luminescence to give it that mechanical vibe~~~~ I doesnt really change my voice that much but it's noticable. Regarding the fan in front, the piece with the silver and black sticker is where my mouth is at and it wouldnt cut my tongue. If i were to do it otherwise like sticking it down at a 45-50 degree angle, i dont wanna imagine the consequences @_@. If you plan to make foam forearms for your Spartan build, do consider my foam modified Halo 4 ODST forearms. It's my first--->