oh my god that is soo awesome. are you going to make some sort of way to attach armor to it? like Velcro? or magnets?
The under suit is VERY well constructed. But it seems to have added a fair bit of size to your overall bulk. Is this going to impact the fitting of your armour or have you already accounted for that?
Agreed on the "marry me" part. *cough*
and I can smell elite too. Dude, you're making the forum run rabid. This hasn't happened in a while. You've made like 2 posts and you already have 4 pages of comments. Congrats. I must say, I find this inspiring too.
This is extremely well done! However... I will NOT marry you, lol!!!
All joking aside, I appreciate you taking the time to document how you put the pieces together. It really is impressive looking. I too am reminded of the Nano suit when I see this. I'm looking forward to your next update.![]()
this is absolutely amazing but i feel as if its kinda a cheat if someone else is doing all the sewing. its like cutting the pieces out and letting someone else pep, resin, fiberglass, rondo, and sand it but yet you get all the praise.
just my opinion. it still looks great though.
Thanks. It definitely has added bulk, but not as severe as the pics make it look. The foam is 1" but most of the sheets are cut in half and the fabric further depresses it so at any point the farthest it stands off is maybe 3/4". But you're right it's still going to impact the fitting. I originally planned on using EVA foam because it's so much easier to work with IMO but that would end up being too thick. Now I plan on a scratch build that will be integrated into the under suit using buckles/clips.
This is what has become of the necro'ed MA37 build in my signature. I decided to take a different turn once I started building again and sort of made a hybrid of the MA37 and the BR85HB SR. I'm still deciding whether to put a hand guard or design a grenade launcher. I bought the led counter way back from a separate site run by a 405th member whose name I can't remember at the time, but it works perfectly. The switch is placed in the thumb-thru, it's set to full auto mode, and the counter restarts when the charging handle is pulled back.
i am so hoping that someone makes templates for that under armor
Templates... Not really possible. Pretty much every person has a different figure. Altho the spartan IV bodies are slightly more human (compared to previous games and just games in general), they've got veeery long limbs (BUT atleast their hips aren't so narrow, +1 point to 343 studios not going for the exaggerated V-taper).
Your best bet would be learning something like Blender and modeling it to fit you. Adding a texture is the only problem. Someone has yet to tackle it.
Anyways, I'll most likely be adding more images as I stumble by. Might help you out. Thou must clicketh here!
i am so hoping that someone makes templates for that under armor
I definitely hope to see this come back soon, btw have you thought of vacforming over the pieces you made to make a mold and then just fill it in with expanding foam or something to make it thinner? It would cut WAY down on the bulk.
Erm how the hell have I missed all this so far?!?! Well I'm subscribed now everything looks awesome dude nice work! Someone may have asked but what's it like for heat build up?
The undersuit looks incredible! I had a similar idea as yours, but I have no sewing skills, nor do I know anyone locally who could do this.
So based on what I've read so far, am I correct in assuming that the "muscles" of the suit are just tacked/sewn onto the outside of a spandex shirt? Is the foam breathable? Is it warm? Do the areas between the "muscles groups" separate at all when you move around? (noticeably)
Seriously, this suit looks awesome! Can't wait to see you finish it!
i am so hoping that someone makes templates for that under armor
The black images are by our awesome member James_005 (awesome skills. The model blueprints are so accurate, it's even ridiculous)
And the blue ones are by Morphine (also a member, he spent hours taking pictureswe're grateful, thank you
) here's his gallery
Templates... Not really possible. Pretty much every person has a different figure. Altho the spartan IV bodies are slightly more human (compared to previous games and just games in general), they've got veeery long limbs (BUT atleast their hips aren't so narrow, +1 point to 343 studios not going for the exaggerated V-taper).
Your best bet would be learning something like Blender and modeling it to fit you. Adding a texture is the only problem. Someone has yet to tackle it.
Anyways, I'll most likely be adding more images as I stumble by. Might help you out. Thou must clicketh here!
for the texture i have made my own solution, i have made a hexagon patern on sheets you melt on t-shirts to make designs. you can see a result on my halo 4 hands thread, http://www.405th.com/showthread.php/37825-halo-4-hand-(WIP)-(Pic-heavy) i think this could be done on larger scale
I think what you mean is a pattern? (like what seamstresses make to then cut out fabric pieces to sew clothes together)
It would be quite labour intensive to do and the biggest problem is everyone's body shape is different. Unless you knew how to modify each fabric piece in the pattern to suit, I think putting it out there might go to waste. I'll be talking about it with my nana (a qualified seamstress) once I begin my undersuit construction (still waiting to hear back from a few companies).
Back on topic - hopefully pendy has more updates on his awesome undersuit soon![]()