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Halo 5: Guardians - MJOLNIR GEN2 - Noble

Halo 5: Guardians - MJOLNIR GEN2 - Noble 1.2

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hey I'm new to 405th and was looking to do the halo 5 noble armor and was wondering why the files that is available for download only have half of the chest piece, I may be just making some dumb mistake or something but I really like the noble armor and was curios on what to do.
Foam rework on the Helmet if anyone is interested. I tend to overdo the detail even when its foam. Also, its formatted for 11x17 inch paper. Enjoy.

Edit: Ps. I will re-upload as I modify it during the build.


  • Noble Helmet Halo 5.pdo
    1.6 MB · Views: 331
I wondering if anyone might take the time to turn the halo 5 guardians: gen2 security into foam format? It would be a great job if they can.
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