1st Build Halo CE Blue team multiplayer Spartan.

Its super easy ngl, I guess I could've explained more on that, I'm doing a blue team multi-player spartan, not an actual member of blue team. My bad
Oh right I get you, more of an RVB type thing then, the old CE multiplayer/LAN spartans just don't get enough love!
Oh right I get you, more of an RVB type thing then, the old CE multiplayer/LAN spartans just don't get enough love!
I've accepted the fact I'll be called caboose , even though it's just a random spartan. But whatever makes people happy I guess lol.
I've accepted the fact I'll be called caboose , even though it's just a random spartan. But whatever makes people happy I guess lol.
Yeah that's fair :lol: , at least you're ahead of the curve! It really depends on what colour you end up going for exactly.
Yeah that's fair :lol: , at least you're ahead of the curve! It really depends on what colour you end up going for exactly.
RvB was a blessing and a curse, brought so many people to the community, but also makes sure everyone with a red or blue spartan is referred to as a RvB character. I'd rather be called Caboose as a blue spartan than masterchief as an ODST lol
RvB was a blessing and a curse, brought so many people to the community, but also makes sure everyone with a red or blue spartan is referred to as a RvB character. I'd rather be called Caboose as a blue spartan than masterchief as an ODST lol
I suppose you're not wrong there, and at least you can just pivot to it being Caboose if you ever feel like it!
So I found a cool effect while painting over black primer, certain areas that get a light coat just look like general weathering. So I didn't go super heavy and only gave it a once over. Generally gave me a desired effect I was looking for, just need to do more light weathering and clear coat it. Then ONTO THE NEXT PIECE!


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Last update for AWHILE, need to get more filament and print everything else. However helmet is done and the chest is done, Helmet is made by @branfuhrstudios and the files for the armor by @coeindustries


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Whoopie! Weather and painting is done now on to test fitting and getting an upper body shot of the top half completed!


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It's not armor but I am prepping the magnum for sand and paint.
What should the primary weapon be?


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I've accepted the fact I'll be called caboose , even though it's just a random spartan. But whatever makes people happy I guess lol.
"I am Michael J. Caboose and I eat babies!"
In all seriousness that fitment and paint look great! Are you doing washes with the paint or just continuing on with the light coat? Also what did you do to get the scaling so good?
"I am Michael J. Caboose and I eat babies!"
In all seriousness that fitment and paint look great! Are you doing washes with the paint or just continuing on with the light coat? Also what did you do to get the scaling so good?
I do black wash, I didn't do it as heavy on the chest sadly cause I was low on paint. But i do a black wash for weathering then do silver for chipping, then matte clear. I use armor smith to scale my stuff to my body, however for this set my armorsmith has been broken so I begged Unfitarmory to scale it for me and he did. He's the homie :)
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