1st Build Halo CE Blue team multiplayer Spartan.

I do black wash, I didn't do it as heavy on the chest sadly cause I was low on paint. But i do a black wash for weathering then do silver for chipping, then matte clear. I use armor smith to scale my stuff to my body, however for this set my armorsmith has been broken so I begged Unfitarmory to scale it for me and he did. He's the homie :)
Thank you for your support!
Im curious about Armorsmith. Its been on my radar for quite some time but Ive heard a lot of mixed reviews on it. Some people have it running extremely well and then others say its a completely unusable. What are the struggles that youve been having with it? Is it specific to this project or in general something has changed with the program like a bad update or something?
Im curious about Armorsmith. Its been on my radar for quite some time but Ive heard a lot of mixed reviews on it. Some people have it running extremely well and then others say its a completely unusable. What are the struggles that youve been having with it? Is it specific to this project or in general something has changed with the program like a bad update or something?
The program is like a 70-30 70% of the time it's broken and unusable, my issue is my measurements never stay the same on my avatar, so my print sizes are all wrong and I waste filament. The program creator never responded to my support tickets on how to fix it, and the only email I got was "that's weird don't know what to do" unfitarmory's only works cause he hasn't updated his since forever and the older versions work better.
It's up to you on if you want to take the risk of spending the $40 or just ask someone to scale for you.
Honestly that helps a lot, I will probably just go about it the old fashion way of taking measurements and seeing if it works out in the end. Just a shame that its something that would be super useful if it worked. that 40$ can go to filament haha!
Honestly that helps a lot, I will probably just go about it the old fashion way of taking measurements and seeing if it works out in the end. Just a shame that its something that would be super useful if it worked. that 40$ can go to filament haha!
Just find someone you know with it and ask if they'll help scale stuff every now and again. Couldn't hurt.


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The shirt is not what I'll be using but what I had on hand. So far the upper torso is done. However the chest pieces glue started to come undone during the test fit process and needs to be re-glued, onto of that I've discovered that even though the armor is sized to me the best it could be it is entirely TOO CHUNKY and functionality torture to move around in. I was struggling to hold the rifle properly and had to wing it for a photo.
The chest piece is just so damn thick and a struggle to keep your arms in any position, I can't even touch my palms together in the armor. I'm going to be doing some thinking on what to do but ultimately I'm thinking of scrapping the project . If this is how it will function then it will just have been a complete waste of resources and money.


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I haven’t used armor smith but I do know from others that full movement in some 3d prints is an issue because of game design. In the game you can see instances where the armor overlaps with itself. Game mechanics doesn’t always translate to real life accurately and vise versa. Despite the lack of movement, your armor looks great and accurate to in game appearance. Don’t despair, Spartan!
I haven’t used armor smith but I do know from others that full movement in some 3d prints is an issue because of game design. In the game you can see instances where the armor overlaps with itself. Game mechanics doesn’t always translate to real life accurately and vise versa. Despite the lack of movement, your armor looks great and accurate to in game appearance. Don’t despair, Spartan!
I'm bringing the calvary in on Saturday and we're gonna get it all figured out. So hopefully it'll all be okay.
It looks awesome! And I was worried about the mobility of the armor too when I saw that you were printing those files worse comes to worst though you should try removing material from the underside of the bicep, or maybe turning the armor into a statue or something!
hounds of meath is coming over this weekend and me and him are going to do some MAJOR brainstorming, definitely going to be taking material off the shoulder gaskets as they're infringing on movement.
It looks awesome! And I was worried about the mobility of the armor too when I saw that you were printing those files worse comes to worst though you should try removing material from the underside of the bicep, or maybe turning the armor into a statue or something!
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