Jr Member
yeah, I agree, like a little monocle type thing attatched to only one side of the helmet for only the right eye, with a built-in scope or something
Hey guys, just a small update since I'm submitting this to the Bungie All Star contest this week. Files are almost done for the helmet, thighs and shins. chest is taking a while but will have pics of that soon... in other words after finals. Until then, take it easy.
What do you get if you win?
But I would have thought the armor would more like one of these:
I actually really like the way this looks.But I would have thought the armor would more like one of these:
(Minus the Flood arm of course)
I saw that on the Bnet weekly update (and I'm ABSOLUTELY SURE you got a star, it was the best custom design in my opinion) and I wanted to find it on flickr, deviantart, etc so that I could find whoever made it and have them maybe make top-down and back views so that it could be made in to a 3D model and I could pep it. I thought it was that good. the first link I found ended up to be this page, which makes me happy. AS SOON AS you put any 3D file of the helm up, I'm definitely pepping it. This is AWESOME concept art. I'll definitely be looking out!
Well I do have a 3D model but it's not that great since I haven't put a ton of time into it. If you or anyone around the 405th have the time and want to help actually build this puppy, I'd be more than willing to put out more concepts for the various parts and armor permutations. I suppose I'd have to do a top/down view of the helmet too. i have the thighs already modeled and the helmet base. I like to model but I also know there are other modelers here who are far better than I am. So if anyone can get the word out or find others with interest, I'd like to make this a bigger project than it already is.
i'd love to see this project go awesome?
i am more than willing to help model any permuatations and such - cos its hard to not want to build this
maybe just top, front, side, isometric renders of any parts. though iso and front would probly be enough...
could also help with unfolds and create a Mk. 7 database similar to the reach one (see link in sig)
How did you get a legal copyright on something blatantly based on a trademark of Microsoft/bBungie?
It's a design, designs need patents and registered trademarks, not copyrights. Learn the law, man!
It's Fan art dude, not a production game concept art. And most of the time in fan art(Etc..) the C means Character.
Did you get a star Spartan?
database is easy to set up once i've got any idea of the permutation structureIf you could make a database for it that would be awesome. as for modeling, that would take a ton of pressure off my shoulders if you're up for the task. Question: when making the models, is there any chance you could make a full character model? I've always wanted to do a 3D animation for halo and could use it for next semester. I'm working on sketching up the rest of the parts of the armor and fixing up the chest piece so that it looks better. hopefully it does.
database is easy to set up once i've got any idea of the permutation structure
...when you say full character model, you mean join all the gaps in the knees and elbows, etc.?
it might be possible for me to rig the model in 3ds though that could take a bit longer as pep files would clearly be a priority
would you be able to PM me any images, references, sketches, concepts, etc...?
and your earlier models could be invaluable for initial references until it is all finialised