Halo infinite Kerberos+ Mirage build


Division Staff
405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN
So it's been a while since my last build. It's time. Time to bring my building up to the new generation. I am starting a spartan build from Infinite. Let's get this thing going.
Plans and goals.

I'm looking at doing a Mirage suit
With type-1 defender and Reavian Werewolf shoulders
With at Kerberos helmet.

The rebreather will.be hollowed out and fans put in them so that air runs into the helmet. Mics so I can hear. And microphone so I can talk out.

More to come as I get things printed


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So it's been a while since my last build. It's time. Time to bring my building up to the new generation. I am starting a spartan build from Infinite. Let's get this thing going.
Plans and goals.

I'm looking at doing a Mirage suit
With type-1 defender and Reavian Werewolf shoulders
With at Kerberos helmet.

The rebreather will.be hollowed out and fans put in them so that air runs into the helmet. Mics so I can hear. And microphone so I can talk out.

More to come as I get things printed
Mirage gang lets go Can't wait to see your progess! For me most helmets look off with the Mirage core but the Kerberos helmet fits very nicely
That helmet is going to look awesome with that suit! What files or method will you be going with for the suit? I'd love to do a mirage setup one day.
I'm a Jin Roh fan, so, I love the Kerberos helmet. Can't wait to see your progress, Kevin!
Now that I got my scaling pretty much down doing some clean up. I print with a large nozzle size ( currently both my FDMs are running 1.0 nozzles). Also i am printing in Petg. So I have been extremely happy with some of the smaller details quality on this helmet


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I'm just starting a Mirage set. Literally just got my filament two days ago .

I will be following closely, and the "Mirage Gang" i want to join.. where's the waiver? ;-)
So I wasted 3 days trying to save filament. Trying to see if I could get away with not using supports. But started over on the top dome. After dealing with warping issues. Now 20hrs per section. 1 print finish second is 50% 2 more to go but this will look cool.


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Kerberos helmet I'd coming along.

This thing is going to look mean when it's done. Especially since if I don't do anything to my boots I'll be around 6'5 from ground to top of the helmet and with the weapon load out I'm looking at for this.


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Been knocking out some small parts slowly. As one of my printers continually runs with armor.
My other printers have had there own task.


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Seeing that stalker rifle really blows my mind, where did you get the files? I'd love to make one too someday.
A kinda where I am at on the build. Knocking out my limbs. I want to remake my boot pieces. This time out of TPU

been playing around with colors seeing what I like on this build. With my hand plates. Not really sure going thru the game options. I kinda want to make sure it's an in game option. But just messing till I get a few more pieces ready for paint

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